Friday, June 30, 2017

Question of the Week

Q: How far do you think you'll go in this universe? 

A: It's hard to say. The main series may wind down in a few more books/years, or at least be temporarily suspended while new ideas percolate. But I don't see Kalquor-related books going away in the foreseeable future. There are still plenty of Clan Beginnings books, plus a huge number of stand-alones that could be written. I'm still bursting with ideas for books that include the first Earther Mataras that were initially taken, for the First Clan of Kalquor, for male Earther companions to Kalquorians and clans, for the post-Armageddon rescues, for women aged 40+ to enjoy their Kalquorian romances...the possibilities are endless. Kalquor may be a lifelong sentence, one I'll happily serve. 

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? If so, leave it in the comments below and it could be answered in an upcoming blog.


  1. Thank you for your lifelong service.

  2. Do you think you will write another clan beginning book 1st and then after that has been completed then write The story where they complete the clan with a female absolutely loved that style I felt like I was on the journey with them to a happy ending. instead of already having read it first. I love all of your books but I have to confess I really liked that style in particular.
