Wednesday, October 25, 2017

WIP Wednesday - Clan Beginnings: Clan and Conscience

Rivek smiled at the pair, hinting at none of the turmoil of his emotions. “Thank you for your concerns about my safety. In truth, I think you have little to concern yourselves with. It would be intolerable for all but the most evil of men to attack a peaceful priest.”
              “Don’t be so sure,” Ospar said darkly. “The people in the syndicate are monsters.”
              “Perhaps, but the syndicate’s muscle is chiefly Nobek, isn’t it? Coming after a man such as myself would be beneath most of Jol’s breed. For the most part, Nobeks are a noble lot.” He turned his smile to Jol. “They are far too honorable as a rule to threaten the vulnerable.”
              Jol bowed his head in acknowledgement of the subtle praise. “I appreciate your high opinion of those who fall under my classification. The fact remains, there are assholes in any group. Since Nobeks make up the largest category, we have the vast majority of the assholish population.”
              His wording struck Rivek as funny. The Imdiko bellowed laughter at Jol’s humor. It erased the tension spawned from realizing the growing depth of his feelings.
              Ospar remained concerned. “I don’t want you harmed because of my actions. I also don’t want to have to stop seeing you because my presence puts you in danger.”
              Rivek was certain he was safe. “The Nobeks who confronted me are nothing more than bullies. They are using me to intimidate you into dropping out of the race.”
              “My political aspirations are not worth it to me if you are threatened. Despite popular opinion, I have my head on straight. I know what is important here.”
              Again, the obvious affection gave Rivek pause. Ospar cared. Damn the man, he really cared.
              I care too. Enough that it causes me pain to think I could be the reason he might consider abandoning his dreams.
              I really should end this before any of us gets hurt.

Releasing November 17, 2017


  1. A solid release day! On my calendar... can't wait.

  2. Yeah! A late birthday present for me!!

  3. Already a week went by since you released the date.....only 23 more days to go. I can make it! ... But it's SO hard waiting. I have to remind myself that good things come to those who wait. Already totally loving this clan!

  4. Yessssssss not as late as I thought hello new book.

  5. Exciting news about the release date!
