Friday, October 6, 2017

Question of the Week

Q: What planets, that we know of, make up the Kalquorian Empire. How big is it?

A: Kalquor lays claim to its immediate solar system, which consists of 15 planets. Kalquor itself has five moons. The Empire is made up of multiple colonies on the planets and their moons as well as numerous space stations. Kalquor's main commerce is mining, so the bulk of its holdings are planets and moons that it has mined or is mining. Those no longer mined are given over to agricultural pursuits focused usually on alien plants and animals, which are not allowed to invade the home planet. The rest are usually areas that provide strategic spots for its military to protect its territory.

I only name the planets, moons, and colonies that have a direct impact on the stories, so thus far we have seen Kalquor, Rokan, Haven Colony, and Lobam. I think I named another of Kalquor's moons, but I can't remember it off the top of my head at the moment.

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? Leave it in the comments, and I might answer it in an upcoming blog.

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