Wednesday, October 18, 2017

WIP Wednesday - Clan Beginnings: Clan and Conscience

Though he did his best to hide it, Rivek was disquieted by Ospar and Jol’s reactions. Jol looked protective, though he should have expected that from a Nobek like his friend. Yet Ospar wore the same expression, even moving close to the priest as Jol did, as if he would shield him with his very body. Their anger on his behalf was palpable. They behaved as if the warning he’d been given was the worst possible thing that could happen—them, who had faced death itself.
              Something within him responded to what seemed to be visceral responses from the two men. It was strange and intrusive to him—and yet comforting. Warm. Welcoming.
              His whole being filled with a yearning Rivek wasn’t used to. A desire for more of the security Ospar and Jol seemed to want to shelter him with. An urge to join them in a way more profound than mere sex.
              No. All I want is friendship. I don’t need to do more than like them.
              Yet the strength of his feelings shook him, as did their seemingly emotional investment in him. A matter completely at odds with his plans to remain above the fray of normal life, to seek total enlightenment. Even the members of Rivek’s parent clan, all of whom were involved in the priesthood, had far too much conflict to immerse themselves fully in the experience Rivek sought. Even though their union contained no more than the natural differences that came with close relationships, Rivek thought it hobbled them in their search for true inner peace.
              The last thing he needed was a serious involvement with a pair like this Dramok and Nobek, men who courted trouble on a daily basis. Never mind finding complete illumination, absolute tranquility. How could Rivek possibly remain spiritually connected if he remained intimately involved in their contentious lives?
              The short answer was, he couldn’t. His equilibrium would never be maintained in such an atmosphere of nonstop conflict.
              Noticing the rising tide of nervous energy, Rivek took a deep breath. Now was not the time to wrestle with any kind of decision. Not in the heat of the moment of recognizing he was more invested emotionally with Ospar and Jol than he wanted to be.

Releasing November 17, 2017


  1. Yipee..we have a release date! Can't wait....

  2. Omg. I thought it wouldn't be out until December. Sweet! Early Christmas gift for me....and hubby was just asking last night what I wanted. Guess I know what I'm buying me!!! Let the countdown begin: 30 days

  3. Can we per-order yet? I really need to read, 'to escape" into a good book.

    1. I don't do pre-orders, since Amazon doesn't let us unless the full manuscript is uploaded. In other words, putting it on pre-order would delay the book's release. I know you don't want me to do that.
