Monday, August 26, 2013

Ravenous Virtue Release Week: Excerpt 1

Douglas Bringer smirked at her as she passed him.  “Congratulations on your return, Super Ranger Raven Virtue.  Or would that be Ravenous Virtue?  Didn’t you eat breakfast this morning?”  He shook his head as she wolfed down the last sweet bite of pastry.

She flushed, both because she was eating like a pig and because she got another whiff of his cologne.  Damn, she was going to associate that musky-spice smell with hot sex for the rest of her life.

Raven said, “Sorry.  These doughnuts are really good.  Don’t tell me where you got them, or I’ll be in the place every chance I get.”

Bringer winked at her and then sobered.  “I heard Wills has vanished.”  He shook his head, managing to look sympathetic and livid all at the same time.  “That a guilty man can go free simply because someone recites a few words incorrectly...”

“Don’t remind me.  It makes me want to quit my job.”  Raven wasn’t kidding about that.  There were so many loopholes in the justice system that even when a law enforcement officer did everything perfectly, criminals still found ways to wriggle out of tough sentences.

Bringer startled her by saying, “You should.  You need to go and find a place where you can do some real good.  A place where the spirit of the law is adhered to and such ridiculous technicalities do not stand in the way.”

Raven laughed.  “What world is that on?”

He returned her grin, his amazing eyes glinting mischievously.  “Actually, it’s aboard the space station I left orbiting in a parallel dimension.”

Raven snickered.  Bringer was full of surprises.  She’d never figured he, with his expensive suits and perfect, exotic looks, would turn out to be a sci-fi geek. 

She told him, “Yeah, well when you head back, take me with you.  I’ll be glad to sign up.”

His eyes narrowed.  “Consider it done.”

It almost sounded like a promise.  Heavens, he probably went to those conventions where everyone wore pointy ears and carried light sabers.  Shaking her head, Raven headed for the motor pool.

Now available at Smashwords and Kindle.  Coming to Nook soon.

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