Friday, May 5, 2017

Question of the Week

Q: Will Joseph Walker from Alien Caged have a story? Or in general will there be one about an Earther guy adjusting to Kalquor?

A: I do plan to finally get to Joseph in 2018. With any luck, nothing will come along to get in the way of that (I've been trying to get to him FOREVER).

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? Submit it in the comments, and maybe I'll answer it in an upcoming blog!


  1. Yay, I'm happy to hear that. I've been wondering about his future for a while. I hopes its nice ^-^
    Earthers have been conforming to Kalqurian laws in terms of marriage/clanning laws. Will there come a time a single Kalqurian can marry an Earther? Or will the religion prevent that? (I just caught up with Shalias diaries so ... yeah :)

    Thank you so much for writing and answering all our questions!

  2. I was wondering about Captain Walker myself. I liked the way that Nobek treated him during questioning. (And in other fantasies, I wondered if a clan could have more than one Nobek, giving more of them a chance to join a clan, since they outnumber the Dramoks and Imdikos....more protection couldn't be a bad thing!) ; )

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello there, I was wondering if you were still going to publish Portals to Risnar? I read a few of your excerpts when you were posting them on your blog and I was super excited about reading the book! I'm sorry if you've answered this in a previous post but I couldn't find anymore info when I looked through your website. I'm a big fan of all of your books!

    1. I will answer this here and now since it was been discussed not so long ago. Portals to Risnar has found a home at Carina Press. There will be at least three books in the series, with the first tentatively scheduled to be released March 2018! I'm super excited about it, in case you couldn't tell, lol.

  5. Hello! Thank you so much for getting back to me! That's awesome news and in case you can't tell I'm super excited too!
