Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WIP Wednesday – Clan Beginnings: Clan, Honor, and Empire

                As he neared the home’s entrance, Rajhir called out in a forbidding tone.  “Who is it?”
                “Nobek Breft calling for Imdiko Flencik.”
                Rajhir turned his head to stare at Flencik.  For his part, the Imdiko looked at the door, still closed, his mouth dropping open in confusion.  Breft was here?
                In a low voice, Rajhir asked, “Who the hell is Nobek Breft?”
                Flencik blinked, still staring at the door as if he could see through it to the trainee he’d met earlier that day.  He stepped forward to his Dramok’s side.  “He’s a youngling I treated at the training camp today.”  Flencik raised his voice to trigger the door.  “Enter.”
                The door opened to reveal Breft standing there, a mischievous smile lighting up his healed and exceptionally handsome face.  With some pride, Flencik noted the well-shaped cheekbones and lack of bruising on the feral features.  He felt something else too, brought on by Breft’s strong jaw, plump lips, and eyes that seemed to be permanently heavy-lidded with anticipation.  The Nobek might have been a bit short with a wild cast to his features, but Breft’s looks were made for erotic dreams.  His body, honed for speed rather than power, was a delight even encased in a snug brown formsuit.
                The Nobek’s smile, which promised naughtiness, disappeared so quickly that Flencik questioned it had ever been there.  Breft acknowledged Rajhir with a thoroughly respectful bow.
                Rajhir looked the trainee over and gave Flencik a narrow glance.  “A youngling, huh?  He’s not that young, my Imdiko.”  The suspicion in Rajhir’s tone was obvious.
                Breft stood ramrod straight before them.  “Greetings, Dramok.  I apologize for interrupting your evening.  Hi, Dr. Flencik.”
                The Imdiko told himself he was imagining the warmth in the Nobek’s voice.  “Hello, Breft.  What are you doing out of camp?  Don’t you have some sort of curfew?”
                “I suppose so.”  The young man shrugged dismissively, as if breaking the rules was not something he worried too much about.  He looked about the well-appointed greeting room with obvious appreciation.  In particular, his gaze lingered on the large, well-stocked bar at the other end of the room.  “Nice place you have.”
                “To what do we owe this pleasure, Nobek?”  With that severe tone, Rajhir sounded anything but pleased. 
                “I think this belongs to your Imdiko, Dramok.”  Breft dug into his waist pouch and withdrew a portable medical scanner.
                Flencik woofed out a sound of relief.  “By the ancestors, I’m glad you found that.  I wondered where it had got to.  I damned near tore apart my shuttle looking for it. 
                Breft grinned.  “Nobek Alc took it from your pouch when you weren’t looking.  I think he was hoping to pay you a visit later under the guise of returning it to you.  However, I nicked it from him when I got the opportunity.”
                Rajhir’s raised eyebrow made Flencik feel guilty though he’d done nothing wrong.  “Nobek Alc?”
                Breft handed the scanner over to the Imdiko.  “The guard assigned to keep me out of trouble while I was in the hospital.  He took a shine to your clanmate, Dramok.  I thought Dr. Flencik could do a lot better than the likes of him, so I took it upon myself to deny the meeting Alc was trying to arrange.  I assure you, Dr. Flencik did nothing to encourage his interest.”
                Flencik knew he was blushing.  He’d had no idea the grizzled Nobek had been attracted to him.  He’d been far too fascinated with his patient.  In a subdued tone, he said, “Thank you, Breft.”
                “Sure.  I also wanted to extend my appreciation once more for the fine care you gave me today.  Your work held up pretty well.  A couple of the bastards jumped me again.”
                “What?  Are you hurt?”  Flencik stepped up close to Breft, running the portable scanner over the young man to check on the injuries he’d repaired, particularly the ribs and arm.
                Breft chuckled.  “It’s just a few bruises.  I was able to defend myself pretty good, thanks to you fixing me up so well.  Those bastards will be spending the night in the hospital, though.”

Releasing April


  1. can't wait im really looking forward to this

  2. Are you still on for an April release date I know there have been problems but I am dying to read it they are my favourite clan and I have been 're reading the first book to get ready for them x x x

    1. I know this says 'Releasing April' but the truth is that's my attempt to will the Universe into making it happen. I can't guarantee it since I still don't have a cover or finished edit.

  3. So so good, can't wait, it's driving me crazy

  4. Oh, this is going to be such a great book and the young Breft is just too cute. Hope we get to read it soon.
    I love you youtube and learning how to say the names correct is great
    Thank you

  5. Cant wait for this, half way through re-reading Alien Embrace now.

  6. Flencik has long been a favorite and Im definitely hoping for an April release date! What a great birthday gift!

  7. So excited to read this story...I love reading how the clans got together. Im hoping one day Ospar, Jol and Riveks story will be told. I think Alien Refuge was my introduction story to Kalquor clans so I lost a bit of my heart to those fellas. :-)

    1. Clan Ospar makes an appearance in Clan, Honor, and Empire. And yes, in the future Clan Ospar will get their story. :D
