Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Kalquor Store is Open

After requests from readers, I have decided to offer Clans of Kalquor-based gifts for your enjoyment.  Keychains, jewelry charms, posters, journals, tee-shirts, etc. are now available for you to purchase from

I ordered a few of the keychains to see how they looked up close and personal.  They are gorgeous.  Artist Erin Dameron-Hill’s work translated beautifully on these pieces, so I can vouch for at least the keychains!

I am adding items and designs a little at a time as my finances allow.  I do pay an artist, the aforementioned Erin, to come up with the nice artwork you’ll be seeing.   I know I’ve talked with a few of you about what exactly you’d like to see merchandise-wise, and if this works out, you’ll see some of those fun specialized the Nobek Lidon ‘Forget football, I play kurble, bitches’ or the ‘Yes, I am woman enough for six peens, now take my ass to Kalquor’ tee-shirts.  For now, however, I will be sticking to the more general kinds of designs for a broader appeal.

You will note that cover art for books 1-5 is not available.  That is because those images are owned by the publisher of those books.  I can use those covers only to promote the books, not sell merchandise.  As I regain the rights to those books, I will commission new cover art and they will then be made available in the store.

Along with the cover art will be pieces based on the breeds (see coffee cup above), individual characters from the books (coming in the future), and items for you Crazy FoKs.  For those of you not familiar with the ‘Crazy FoKs’ or ‘Crazy FoKers’, those are the terms several readers (myself included) have christened ourselves with.  FoK stands for Friends of Kalquor, so it fits us rather well.

Did I forget anything?  If I did, bear with me.  The shop is just starting and I have a thing or two to learn about making this work right.  The Kalquor Store is quite bare bones at this time, and hopefully I’ll get that figured out as I go along.  Be patient, and if there is something you really, really want as far as swag is concerned, let me know.  I’ll see what I can do.


  1. Do you think my husband would mind if I replace all our coffee cups lol

    1. LOL. You'd better offer him a non-pictured Dramok cup. He might not enjoy having a lusty muscle man near his lips!

  2. No he wouldn't but I sure lots of good stuff.

  3. Wow. When you decided to go into merchandising, you went all out. I placed my first order. Fun stuff.

    1. Thanks! I just kept asking myself, 'what would everyone like?' You'll have to let me know how well Cafe Press did with your order!

  4. Dibs on the hunky guy on the Dramok picture. OMG! In the sea of hot men that is your web site, that is the Hottest Man I've Ever Seen!!! Too bad I can't buy one of those! ('Course, that would be illegal and my husband have something to say about it but DAMN!)

    1. The model's name is Jimmy Thomas. He is certainly drool-worthy...he shows up on a lot of book covers (including mine...can you find him?) Yup, I wouldn't mind ordering a six pack o' him. ;)
