Wow. I wasn’t
expecting such a big response when I put the opportunity out for you to shoot
me some interview questions. I’ve had to
break it up into two parts. Part Two
will be posted next Saturday.
You guys had some pretty interesting questions for me, which
I have had to really sit back and think about.
Some of you made me laugh. Some
of you put me on the spot.
So let’s get this interview started.
Q: How did you come up with Kalquor and is it
what you originally envisioned or has it developed as you write?
A: You know, it has
been so many years since I initially came up with Alien Embrace that I’m not
quite sure where the exact idea originated.
I knew I wanted to write erotica.
I knew what appealed to me as far as that went. I also was a huge sci-fi geek who wanted to
write futuristic tales. But as for the first
moment the Kalquorian universe beckoned, I can’t remember. What I do recall is hanging out with
girlfriends, talking about my idea for the book, laughing and discussing the
physical attributes alien men should have when they took us away to re-populate
their dying world. From that point, the
whole thing just seemed to explode into being.
Kalquor and the universe it inhabits just keeps developing
in ways I never expected. After all, I’d
only planned to write the one book. I
was halfway through Alien Embrace when I thought there might be a sequel worth
doing. However, I had no intention of
writing that sequel until I found a publisher for the first book. That happened, and then Alien Rule came
along, a war between Earth and Kalquor started, the books hit bestseller
status, readers begged for more, and I’m sitting there thinking, ‘Yikes, I’ve
got an entire series on my hands.’
With every book I discover something new I hadn’t known
before about Kalquor. The series keeps
on going. The coming rebellion, which
started with Empress Jessica and others being abducted (Alien Interludes),
caught me by surprise. Lately, I’ve
noted another enemy on the horizon waiting to cause major trouble. Just as I start to wonder if Kalquor’s main
storyline is winding down, it throws something new at me.
Q: The Dramoks, Nobeks and Imdikos are pretty
much the three groups of stereotypical males. How did you come up with the
Kalquorian males? The fangs, the self lubricating cocks, coloring, breeds, etc.
Were they a formulated creation that was inspired by different things making
them the ultimate hottest alien race ever or were they something you dreamed up
that you felt compelled to have to right about?
A: I’m glad you
think they are the ultimate hottest alien race!
It goes back to part of my answer to the first question. Me and some of the gals sat around throwing
ideas around about what attributes would get us to run off with alien men. Fangs were my thing, since I’m also into
vampires. Coloring as well; I’ve always
been attracted to dark men (I married a Native American). In the end, it comes down to the conversation
of four horny chicks hanging out and laughing our fool heads off.
Q: Will the Pageant Trio get their comeuppance
soon? (I think that it would be fitting if they should find themselves married
off to very flatulent Tragoom brothers!).
A: I hope you know I
spewed coffee when I read this one. Funny! Well, I don’t want to give too much away
about the events yet to come in Shalia’s Diary.
However, I will give you a hint that you haven’t seen the worst from those
three prim wenches yet. Unfortunately
for our shared sense of justice, Kalquorians wouldn’t allow Tragooms to have
Earther women, even women like the Pageant Trio.
Q: I've often thought while I've read (and
re-read) the series, how much I would enjoy seeing a woman for the Kalquorians
who wasn't so subjugated by Earth society ... then my brain, loving sci-fi like
it does, thought about the portals to Earth - the 'Bermuda Triangle'. And the
bombs and destruction of the planet ... which then I think - huh, wonder if
time travel could ever get worked in there somehow where a woman from our time
ended up somehow transported to Earth. I know it’s far-fetched but it would be
an interesting dichotomy of a modern woman who's comfortable in her sexuality
to see how society has gone backward and what she'd do to survive in the new
A: That would be a
fun story, wouldn’t it? I’m not quite
sure it would fit the tone of the series as of now, though I’ve learned to
never say never! As for a woman
comfortable with her sexuality, we had a touch of that with the indomitable
Ray-Ray (probably my favorite heroine thus far). But how someone from our time would handle
the nightmare of pre-Armageddon Earth...that would be very interesting. Thanks for the idea; you never know. Those portals, especially one as unstable as
the Bermuda Triangle, probably have a few tricks we haven’t seen yet.
Q: Though we really don't see much of Kalquorian
females, it seems to me from what has been said that they have basically the
opposite problem of Michaela, she could conceive but not carry to term and they
cannot conceive. So the question would be, could they be implanted with embryos
created from Earth females? And what has been becoming of the Kalquorian
females? As they are infertile they don't clan, right? So what do they do? Just
sit around waiting to die since they seem to have no real purpose? Do they have
an enclave of some sort that they go to in order to be with others in their
same situation? I'm sure most would be bitter about the Earth females that are
clanning with all the Kalquorian males when they can't clan themselves. Or are
there clans that have Kalquorian females even though they can't conceive?
A: Great
questions. The Kalquorian Mataras have
not been addressed much because, except for Narpok, they’ve had little impact
on the stories I’ve written.
Yes, they could be implanted with the unused embryos of
Earther women who got pregnant and weren’t ready to have children. Since Mataras in the lottery are encouraged
to explore all realms of compatibility with prospective clans, sex is going to
happen and pregnancies are going to happen.
With every embryo precious to the nearly extinct Kalquorians, they will
not go to waste.
Infertile Kalquorian women do indeed clan. In the upcoming Nuns of Europa: Sister Katherine, we will see that Dramok
Simdow was unofficially adopted by a clan with an infertile Matara. Neither love nor a woman’s worth on Kalquor
depends on fertility, thank goodness.
Mataras, no matter their fertility, have purpose on
Kalquor. They have dreams, aspirations,
and careers for the most part. There are
simply so few of them, even the infertile ones, that we hardly ever get to see
them. They do have the advantage of not
having to work if they don’t want to since the clan system specifically states
the men have to prove they can provide for a Matara before they can have
one. Rather condescending of the boys,
but they are the overwhelming majority on Kalquor, so that’s what the Empire is
stuck with. We’ll let them beat their
chests...for now.
No doubt the infertile Kalquorian women are rather bitter
that all the highest ranking clans are turning to their viable Earther
counterparts. I wouldn’t be surprised if
that comes out as a factor as the rebellion grows in strength.
Q: How do you come up with the Kalquorian names
for characters and other misc alien terms?
A: Uh oh. Didn’t think this one would come up. Now the secret comes out. The names and terms are usually based on an
actual names and words that I play around with.
I built the breed name ‘Imdiko’ (pronounced im-DEE-ko) around M.D. (as
in ‘medical doctor’) since my first caregiver Flencik was a physician. Rajhir came from ‘rajah’, the Sanskrit word
for monarch; and ‘emir’, a Middle Eastern prince, commander, or governor. As the clan leader, it fit him. Unfortunately, I have completely forgotten
where I got many names and words from.
Nobek? No idea, nor the
names I based Breft and Flencik on.
One name I thought would be almost too obvious was Degorsk’s,
at least among sci-fi junkies like myself.
As a Star Trek geek, I based our space-going medic’s name on DeForest
Kelley ... better known as Dr. McCoy.
There was even a little Dr. McCoy-Star Trek joke in To Clan and Conquer. When Degorsk is informed he’ll have to learn
a few Earther languages for his new spyship assignment, he complains, “Damn it,
Tranis, I’m a doctor not a linguist.”
I am such a nerd.
Q: Which story so far in the series was your favorite to write?
A: Definitely Alien
Redemption. It was also my biggest
headache, what with trying to build the murder mystery plot and dealing with
every main character being so emotionally damaged. Working with that level of pain from all
those different people really wore on me.
I know it sounds like it shouldn’t have been my favorite to write
considering how it wrung me out.
However, the amount of effort I had to put into it made it the most
Outside of the main Clans of Kalquor series, I had the most
fun with To Clan and Conquer. I looked
forward to each day I got to work on it.
It was the complete opposite of Alien Redemption in the ease of writing
a story. It was almost like the boys
were right there, dictating it to me.
Q: Why can the Kalquorians only clan once? I
always thought it would make an interesting story. For a clan broken by some
tragedy to have another shot at happiness. Maybe through the efforts of a
A: This answer is
going to be pretty in-depth, so you’ve been warned. The matter of Kalquorians not replacing
deceased clan members has more to do with the emotional investment clanmates
make in each other rather than the actual laws.
The rules have been circumvented in certain cases, which I’ll get into
later. For the most part, Kalquorians
take that ‘clanning is for life’ thing very seriously. Clanmates have no intention of separating
except through death, which in most instances happens far down the line.
There are other considerations too. In the case of Mataras, there are too few to
go around. A clan that loses their
female member would be incredibly hard pressed to find another one
available. Also, consider how the
dynamics are set up in a group that suddenly loses one of its members. For example, think about a clan that has been
together for twenty or more years. The
Imdiko suddenly dies. We know that next
to Mataras, Imdikos are the rarest breed.
They get clanned rather young in many cases because they’re harder to
find (Krijero and Degorsk are notable exceptions). So you have an older clan with an established
way of interacting and many years of companionship. Imagine how hard it would be to bring a young
Imdiko into this scenario, one who doesn’t share the others’ history. He’s going to feel very much the outsider in
this longstanding clan. And all three
remaining members of the clan have to be compatible with him...they don’t have
the option of ‘growing up’ together as they did with the first Imdiko. The case of a new Dramok would be even
tougher, as the clan would have to adjust to a whole different leadership
That’s not to say it’s never happened and won’t happen in
the future. In the story ‘A Family
Affair’ in Alien Interludes, you’ll note Yuder warns his clanmates that his
lover Tara is not interested in joining their full clan. He wouldn’t bother with saying that if it
wasn’t an option in some way. When
Imdiko Trusec lost his clanmates in Alien Redemption, his erased background
(and mind) allowed him the opportunity to re-clan. Though the issue has not been addressed yet,
it would seem a very young clan still fairly new to each other, perhaps like
Clan Bacoj, would be permitted to replace a male clan member if one died. Clan Bacoj is a good example since in the
ever-paternal Kalquorian males’ view, Imperial Sister Lindsey should have a
full clan to take care of her.
The Imperial Clans always manage to twist things to their
advantage when it comes to challenging the rules of clanning – Clan Clajak broke
its arrangement to clan Narpok in favor of Jessica. Plus, for those of you who are sharp-eyed,
you caught the mention in Alien Rule how Clajak’s female ancestor was only
partially clanned when her parents died...which kept her from assuming the
throne right away. Yet the norm is that
Mataras can only join full clans! It
wasn’t explained in Alien Rule (I’ll fix that when I re-edit it next year), but
since heirs and heiresses to the throne are almost always part of arranged
clannings, she was allowed to go ahead and join with those whom she was
destined for anyway.
The rules of Kalquor’s clanning system, with Earther Mataras
coming along to throw tradition on its ear, are no doubt going to change as the
series continues. It’s inevitable.
Q: Can the women be reclanned but the men
cannot? Doesn't Sister Katherine’s clan
have an Imdiko with a mom that declanned then joined another clan before she
knew she was pregnant?
A: The women, fertile
women in particular, could indeed be re-clanned if something as cataclysmic as
the loss of all the men of the clan occurred.
Remember, those paternalistic Kalquorians think it’s their sworn duty to
take care of women, not to mention re-populate the Empire. Refer to my earlier answer on the issue of
replacing clan members.
Regarding Imdiko Vadef from the upcoming Sister Katherine: his mother wasn’t clanned when she got
pregnant by one set of suitors. She then
clanned with the other set she’d been considering. As you said, she had no idea she was pregnant
when she chose which clan she wanted to spend her life with. She only clanned the one time.
Q: It has been indicated that the Kalquorians
bite injects a kind of drug, having read the books we all know the usual effects.
However for "Earthers" there would be some that are adversely
affected. The most innocent of medicines can affect some people in weird ways.
Even caffeine usually keeps people awake but people who are ADHD use it to calm
themselves. So I would think there would be those who are affected differently
by the Kalquorian "drug". If someone were to have an extreme allergic
reaction they could DIE before the Kalquorians figured out what was wrong.
Goodness! I can only imagine the guilt they would feel if someone were to die
from a bite.
A: You know, I never
really thought about allergic reactions to the Kalquorians’ intoxicating
bite. We’ve seen that Kalquorians and
Earthers have slightly different reactions to the venom, but it never occurred
to me that someone might actually have an adverse reaction and die from
it. It’s a good point.
Q: You have given some good examples that not
all men were following Earth’s governmental party line: Aaron, Rachel's
husband, Israla's guy (sorry I can't remember the names spur of the moment)
perhaps more I can't remember off-hand, even Cassidy's father seemed to be a
good guy despite his own father (or maybe because of him?). Anyway, my Mom said
she would really like to see some of these surviving human men stand up to the
remnants of the government. Also (again because she just finished "To Clan
and Conquer") perhaps some of these surviving human men could join clans
as there is such a shortage of Imdikos the human men could possibly be of help
to this other Kalquorian need.
A: You’ll see an
Earther priest trying to do the right thing in Alien Refuge (his success is up
for debate). The 8th book of the series Alien
Caged will include a renegade Earther battlecruiser captain who is a good guy
caught in a very bad situation. That might make Mom happy.
I’m starting a new series tentatively titled ‘Clan Companions’
later this year. This series will
concentrate on Earther men who get involved with Kalquorians who prefer males
over females. I can also foresee Earther
men building relationships with incomplete clans or single Kalquorians. Since both species are fighting for survival
now, it might make some sense to bring bisexual Earther men into clans that
don’t have Imdikos. I’ll definitely
consider the option.
Q: Are some or any of your characters inspired
by people you know? Are they similar or were there changes during the creative
A: I am initially
inspired by people I know or know of. Sometimes
a complete stranger I observe is the basis of a character. However, my characters almost always take on
a life of their own and end up telling me who they are rather than the other
way around. Probably the most
true-to-life character you’ll find will be the autistic child in the upcoming Alien
Refuge. Thomas Jenson is based on my own
son. They don’t look much alike
physically, but the way Thomas acts and speaks is very much the way my little
guy behaves.
I guess it’s only fair to point out who is usually behind my
characters. To paraphrase Ray Bradbury,
every character is ultimately a facet of the writer. You’ll find me peeking out of most of my
heroes and heroines in some fashion.
Amelia’s nerve damage, Jessica and Clajak’s quick tempers, Degorsk’s
love of shocking people, Dani’s impulsiveness (and big feet), Krijero’s
awkwardness...those are all my attributes and detriments.
That’s half the questions I received. Whew!
Am I longwinded or what with these answers? Since this blog is going so long, I will post
the rest next Saturday in Part Two.
Thanks lady, you are amazingly awesome for doing this!!
ReplyDeleteThanks! You guys were awesome with the questions.
DeleteDang you might end up having to do a part 3 :) All the other questions got my brain working on some new pending lol
ReplyDeleteBTW thanks for having such an awesome blog :)
LOL. I'm glad you enjoy my scribblings!
DeleteThanks so much for filing in some more details. This is such a great series. I'm really glad to hear that the nod to Dr McCoy was deliberate. ( I'm a scifi nerd too.) Here's another question if you're still answering: How many hours do you have in outlining and in drafting a book? Mine's coming along very slowly and I wonder if that's normal or if I'm just too stupid for this.
ReplyDeleteYay for geeks!
DeleteI couldn't tell you how many hours I put in on each part of my work. I simply set a goal for the day for a project, whether it's a number of words or a scene. Some people work better by giving themselves a set time rather than length. If I had to guesstimate an average, I think I might devote somewhere around 50 hours to the outline (Please note I'm VERY detailed with my outlines; they read almost more like a draft) and perhaps 100 to the first draft itself. The amount of detail in my outlines probably cuts the time I have to work on the first draft.
My first books went extremely slow too until I figured out what writing system worked best for me. As Asperger's traits heavily affect my method of writing, I am probably not the best yardstick to measure against.
In fact, I wouldn't use any other writer as a yardstick to compare to. I have known plenty that write much faster than I do and others who are slower. The most important thing is you are writing on a regular basis, the best you can when you can. That's all that really matters. You're not stupid; you're trying to find your groove, girl!