Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Next Book: Clan and Covenant



Covenant: (noun) an agreement

A pretty apt title for an arranged clanship, which is the featured clan's situation. If you don't recognize the pics from the cover of First Mataras: Michaela, the next Clan Beginnings book features Clan Korkla. We're going way back, about forty years before the events of Alien Rule, for this tale in which we get to see Korkla, Raxstad, and Govi come together as a clan.

I hope to have this out early next later than March, if all goes well. At present, the plot includes:

Twenty-somethings Korkla and Raxstad, promised to each other from a young age, surprised by their parents with a third arranged clanmate in the person of Govi;

Govi, unwilling to be clanned quite yet and coping with pressures as a new psychologist;

and danger at the Royal House, where Korkla works as a page, centered on a teenage Clajak.

As I'm just starting to write this, nothing is set in stone. We'll have to see how it pans out, but that's the current plan.


  1. OMG it sound intriguing - I love the way your mind works. I can't wait for clan Korkla's story!!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. I'll do my best to make it awesome. Fingers crossed!

  3. I can't tell you how excited I am!!!!!! I have been waiting for Korkla, Govi and Raxstads story ever since Michaela!!! They are very much my favorite clan, thank you Tracy ^_^

    1. I hope I can make it as good as you hope. (No pressure, right?)

    2. Hehe, no pressure. I am looking forward to learning about their past, whatever that may be.

  4. Tracy everything you write is good! I'm in the middle of rereading everything starting from the beginning.

  5. Thanks! I love rereading's like visiting old friends.
