Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday Fiver Challenge

Five clues related to a character from the Kalquor universe. Can you name the character?

1. My jokes are hilarious. Really.

2. Ah, those younger Dramoks and Mataras...who can resist?

3. Kurble is a fine game until I have to clean up the mess afterward.

4. Medicine, psychology, good looks...and did I mention my sense of humor? I'm the whole package.

5. I've been known to show my butt whether I'm in a bad mood or not.

Who am I?


  1. Replies
    1. 'To Clan and Conquer' is the first Tracy St John book I read and its still one of my favs, I reread frequently

    2. I'm so glad you enjoy it! I adore that clan. Thanks for reading (and re-reading)!
