Friday, April 27, 2018

Question of the Week

Q: What is the average life expectancy of Earthers as they are now integrated with Kalquorians?

A: About 125 years, more for those younger women who grew up in higher economic circumstances where nutritious food wasn't hard to come by. Dani (Alien Slave) would have had access to better food than Amelia (Alien Embrace) or Ray-Ray (Alien Redemption), who grew up in more depressed circumstances.

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? If so, leave it in the comments section, and I might answer it in a future blog.

Please note, I may not answer some questions because they could give away some upcoming plots in future books.


  1. Though, Don't the Kalqourians have the means to extend their lives past the 125 years?

    1. A lot has to do with the Earther's health when she arrives on Kalquor and her continued habits as far as nutrition and exercise are concerned. That number is an average...Earthers who show up in good health and take care of themselves can certainly live beyond the average with Kalquor's advanced medicines.

  2. Would you ever consider writing a story about a Kalquor clan or single Kalquor mating with a Farther Male?

  3. What's your stance on Fan Fiction based on your works?

  4. Question: Due to the few but major differences between kalqourians and earthers what would the hibrid offspring look like i.e. muscles mase, eyes, hair, hight. The males have two cocks but earthers don't how would that work?

  5. Is there any chance that the detailed Clan's page might make a return? I find it very helpful when I occasionally mix up names or can't remember details from an older book.
