Friday, January 12, 2018

Question of the Week

Q: Will there be other submissive men like Piras? Or perhaps more scenes/stories involving him? 

A: Never say never. Now that we've said that, I don't have active plans to write a submissive hero in the current lineup of books. As for Piras himself, it looks like he'll show up in some capacity in the next Clans of Kalquor tale, though his is not the featured clan. (no, no release date yet). And I don't know how large his role will be at this point.

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? If so, leave it in the comments section, and I might answer it in a future blog.

Please note, I may not answer some questions because they could give away some upcoming plots in future books.


  1. Due to the large numbers of Nobeks, I have often wondered why clans cannot have at least 2 of their type in a clan? More protection, more Nobeks would be clanned and not be left out so often. I mean, I would love having 2 Nobeks....wink! It's a thought.

  2. Thats a question i havewhy not 2 Nobeks so so many arent left out, there is so many of them
