Friday, September 15, 2017

Question of the Week

Q: Will there ever be twins or triplets? It would be awesome to see Kalquorians find out their Matara is pregnant with multiples, and then to see them react to having so many at once!

A: It's a fun scenario, but not enough to be the basis of a book. That's why the announcement of Clan Rajhir's twins was only a side item in Alien Rule. If multiple births were ever a needed central detail in a plot, I would add that. So far, that has not been the case.

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? If so, leave it in the comments and I might answer it in a future blog.


  1. Have you considered having an earther matara who didn't want to have children? I often wonder about women who maybe would like to join a clan but because theu don't want to raise children, maybe they feel like they won't be allowed to have that kind of relationship or be guilty bevause even if the men say they don't want children either, she would still worry she was taking something from them? Of course this is different from Eliza and Clan Zemos because they discussed that they were beyond child rearing due to age and their military careers.

  2. I have a question, are humans the lost colonist the kalquorians are looking for? And if not, I had an idea about what if there was a Earth matara that did find them and married one of them? And what if they were different from the kalquorians we know?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love, love, love your books and the world you've created with them! As your Kalquorian universe matures, and the two races continue to evolve together, do you see Earthers as finding ways to adapt to the three tier society and embracing their dramok, nobek, or imdiko traits? Could an adult male (or female :D ) who was never tested and classified as a child be recognized within the Kalquorian culture as a breed type? Ultimately, do you think a blended clan that's comprised of an Earther man/men and Kalquorian(s) would be possible?
