Monday, November 25, 2013

Shalia's Diary Monday Post



  1. Just got Shalia's Diary part 2, not my favorite of your books, but I want to support your efforts (I want to keep you working on the Kalquor series).
    Shalia is a whinny, pathetic and annoying character. Please, please, give these women some backbone, can't stand that sniveling fool.

  2. Yeah, Shalia's kind of a pain, especially with the extended guilt trip related to all the propaganda she produced before Armageddon. But I think one of the best things about these books is Tracy St. John's ability to write a complex character who's sometimes really annoying, just like real life people! The female characters change and grow in response to the things they have to deal with and that's what really keeps my interest. Along with the hot sex of course.
