Saturday, February 18, 2012

Create a Kalquorian - The Final Word on Conyod and We're On to Erybet and Sletran

You have spoken.  The overwhelming majority of you have said you want a say in the rest of Conyod's clan. 

These polls will be going faster than before, as I am already outlining Alien Redemption and need my characters ready to jump in.  We will create our Dramok and Nobek simultaneously, so there will be two different polls each week.  Some options will be the same as the ones we had for Conyod, especially where physical characteristics are concerned.

A little background on our clan is in order here.  Dramok Erybet, chief commander of five companies of ground attack forces, along with his Nobek Sletran, who was in direct command of one of those companies, went off to fight the war against Earth.  Conyod stayed behind on Kalquor.  They kept in regular contact for the most part, but near war's end, Conyod lost all communications with his clanmates.  He didn't even know where they were located.  After the war ended, he finally heard from them just days before they came home.

There has been little to celebrate since their return.  Both are on administrative leave, though they assure Conyod it isn't for any wrongdoing.  They were invovlved in heavy fighting and it has been determined by Erybet's direct supervisor that they are due a year's respite.  Erybet and Sletran are changed men.  Erybet has lost a lot of the confidence that made him a leader men could count on.   Sletran disappears for hours at a time, usually in the middle of the night while his clanmates are sleeping.  He is now prone to sudden fits of rage in which he destroys his belongings.  He has even turned this inexplicable anger upon himself, hacking off his long hair with a knife.  Despite Conyod's pleas to know what happened to them so he can help Sletran, his clanmates will only tell him they are sworn to secrecy in the interest of the empire's security.

Our first polls have to do with our two Kalquorians' hair.  Obviously with Sletran, we won't be worrying about the length and style, as his impromptu cutting means his is now growing out.   You only have to worry about the texture of his.

Now on to Conyod.  Our Imdiko is done!  The last poll cited his motto, which was ‘From caring comes courage.’ - Lao Tzu.  So, here's the full look at the hunky Kalquorian you helped create:

Character:  Imdiko Conyod, psychologist specializing in traumatized Earther Mataras

Height:            6’6”
Weight:           250 lbs
Sex:                 Male
Hair:                Black, midback length, wavy, hangs loose         
Body:              Muscular, well cut but not bodybuilder big, chest and abs are his best feature, beautifully chiseled
Face:                rugged, square-jawed, manly, clean-shaven, grim when not smiling, Hugh Jackman type
Mouth:            thin-lipped but beautiful teeth, smile lights up entire face
Imperfections:  a little OCD, can’t function without a to-do list
Overall personality:  Understanding of others’ shortcomings and patient with almost everyone
Habits/hobbies:  Breeds champion kestarsh (Kalquorian version of horse)
Greatest accomplishment:  Being chosen to be a part of the Earther Matara psychological team;                             out of over two hundred applicants he was top choice
Age:                48 (looks late twenties)
Home:             Among the seaside cliffs near the Royal House and Council, capital city of Kalquor         
Motive:            To rectify whatever has gone wrong with his clanmates       

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