Thursday, January 24, 2019

TBT: Shalia's Diary, Book 1

I swallowed.  The way he looked at me...well, it knocked the air out of my lungs.  I’ve been leered at sexually before.  Men who had the power to force me into their beds took full advantage of it.  But nobody had ever stared at me the as Dusa did.  It wasn’t bald, ugly lust in his eyes.  There was also fascination and deep consideration.  It was as if he didn’t want me so he could demonstrate his power or take his selfish pleasure.  I got a sense of something akin to reverence.  It’s impossible to describe since I’m not sure of what exactly it was.

I know one thing for sure though.  Whatever that emotion was that he was communicating made me lose my mind.  When he lifted my chin, I didn’t resist.  When his face closed in to kiss me, I didn’t shy away. 

His lips moved against mine, soft and gentle, like the brush of a bird’s feather.  I forgot how to think.  All I could do was feel.  My mouth opened a little, seeking more.  Dusa’s tongue crept in, tasting me a bit at a time. 

I melted inside.  I went weak all over again, as if I would fall.  He must have sense it, because Dusa held me tight against him, deepening the kiss.  His tongue swept inside my mouth, raspy as the finest sandpaper.  It stroked mine, and the heat of his kiss swept through my skull, traveled down my spine, and burst into flame down below.  I wasn’t just melting.  My insides boiled.  I have never felt anything like it, and if I’d had any sense of what I was doing before, it was absolutely gone in that instant.

Available from Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.  Also in print.

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