Friday, January 4, 2019

Friday Fiver Challenge

This will be the last of the challenges, so here's your final chance to show what you know. Five sentences from the fifth chapter of a Kalquor universe book...can you name it?

He heard the dying screams in his head. Saw again the explosions of fighters in black, forbidding space. “I’ll never be ready to hold the lives of others in my hands again. I won’t be liable for the death of one more man. The answer is no.”


  1. Has to be Alien Redemption, Dramok Erybet's reaction to the horrors of war.

    1. Sorry! Nice try, though. Try a more recent book.

  2. It's Alien Outcast! Nobek Terig of Clan Nako!

  3. Replies
    1. Not quite. It was the clan that came next in the books: Clan Nako's Nobek Terig in Alien Outcast. Good try.

  4. It really seems like some of your later books touched more on the topic of strong men having their weaknesses. It was always somewhat present but it really seems part of the stories rather than a character detail. Most thinking of Piras, Alien Outcast and even Joseph.

    1. I'm focusing a lot on the internal struggles my characters have to overcome, along with whatever outer obstacles they face. I feel like it makes for greater depth for the stories and more realistic heroes.
