Monday, December 31, 2018

Monday Motivation

2018 could have been a better year.

Beginning in July, a series of health problems occurred that left me wondering when the sun would rise. Illness and injuries piled up at once, leaving me exhausted, gaining weight, and miserable overall. It's not been a great time lately.

My family is the sort that you never hear from them unless the worst is happening. I'm the opposite...except for the handful of people closest to me, I don't talk about the bad until it is in the process of passing me by. I'm still tired, still hurting, still putting on the pounds (thanks to the meds I have to take now), but the overall prognosis isn't bad. I'm slowly finding my footing once more, so the worst is over. I'm getting better. The sun is rising, and the dark night is beginning to pass.

It always does. I keep this knowledge firmly in mind when things take a dive. Life is a cycle; we have good times and bad in turns. Understanding that the bad won't last forever keeps me moving ahead. I wait out the night and look for the first signs of the morning light. As always, the sky is brightening once more.

I hope when things are blackest for you, you can also remember that the morning is coming. You may not see any hint of it, but it is on its way. Hang in there.


  1. I know what you mean, as I’ve experienced some of these things. These wise words helped me keep perspective: “It came to pass,” “this, too shall pass.” I’m looking forward to a better new year using the strength and knowledge gained previously.
