Friday, July 27, 2018

Question of the Week

Q: I drive a lot for work. Are we ever going to get audiobooks?

A: I wish! At this time, Totally Bound has audiobook rights to the first ten Clans of Kalquor books. They have not committed to putting the books in that format. Ditto for Risnar via Carina Press. As for my self-pubbed stuff, I don't have the budget to have those done. Short answer; doesn't look good for the near future. Sorry!

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? If so, leave it in the comments section, and I might answer it in a future blog.

Please note, I may not answer some questions because they could give away some upcoming plots in future books.


  1. I remember seeing a really nice synopsis of all the clans and their members on your webpage a few years ago. Now I can’t find it. It was so helpful. Am I just not looking in the right place, or is it gone? Thank you!

  2. Thats too bad - these would make great audio books with the right narrator but getting the right narrator/s could be difficult. I have favoroite books that I hate on audio because of the narrator and I have been put off buying books because of the narrator if I hear the audio first.
