Friday, March 16, 2018

Question of the Week: Shalia's Diary

I had several questions related to Shalia's Diary pop up, so I'm going to answer them in one go (since the answer is really similar for all).

Q: I would love to read a book with just Betra and Oses. Loved those two and I wanted Shalia with them. I am sure I will love the Clan she picks just as much.

Q: Would you write a Shalia spin-off series, maybe one based on Candy and Stidmun (I’m with Candy, I prefer Nobeks) or the donor egg foundation?

Q: Have you ever considered doing little snippets similar to the collection you did on one of the books but making that the replacement for Shalia’s Diary and possible like once a month as opposed to weekly?

A: At this time, I have no plans for anything Shalia-related, nor anything that would require me to keep a free-story blog in play. For one thing, Shalia was a special moment in my writing life, one I'm not sure can be repeated. She truly had a life of her own and required a large investment of time and energy that I now need to direct elsewhere.

I have a lot of other Kalquor Universe books in the works, stories I've had to put on the back burner for a long time (Clan Companions, First Mataras, Nuns of Europa, etc.). With Warriors of Risnar proving to be a success (thanks, everyone!), I also have a commitment to that series. I am not as fast a writer as some, so I cannot revisit Shalia's gang or work on an ongoing blog in the foreseeable future. There is no time available for either.

I'm delighted everyone loves Shalia and her friends as much as I do. And running a regular story blog has been fun and exciting. But for now, I have to put my energy elsewhere. Thanks so much for understanding, and know I've got plenty of other Kalquor books for you on the horizon.

Thanks for the questions!

Do you have a question for me? If so, leave it in the comments section, and I might answer it in a future blog.

Please note, I may not answer some questions because they could give away some upcoming plots in future books.


  1. I will miss Shalia's Diary, but I also like that she will always be unique and special. Thank you for sharing her with us. I am looking forward to your future books.
