Friday, March 31, 2017

Question of the Week

Q: Are you going to do another short stories book like you did before? I like reading about some of the secondary characters that don't get a full book dedicated to them.

A: I don't have anything planned at this time due to scheduling issues. My plate is so full right now! However, once this war with the Basma is settled, I might consider another short story collection. I too enjoy catching up with old friends. Thanks for the great question.

Do you have a question for me? Leave it in the comments section, and I might answer it in an upcoming blog!


  1. Are you going to a book on how clan spar got together

    1. I've actually mentioned this elsewhere, so I'll answer it now: I'm planning on Clan Ospar's book to come out later this year. :D

  2. Are you planning to do more with the Nuns of Europa? I'd love to see how Tina settled and honestly Clan Osopa seemed pretty interesting.

    Do you have a favorite Clan/Matara/Book?

  3. Please never stop writing about these clans I wait with bated breath for the next amazing read just clans or full clans I reread them all as a new one comes thank you ��

  4. What has been your biggest challenge in writing or publishing these books? How far do you think you'll go in this universe? I find myself occasionally picturing the children of human mataras growing up and how they'll fit into the society adjusting to both them and Earther influence.

  5. I'm looking forward to a short story about Captain Walker from Alien Caged.

    1. I'd rather give him a book. Here's hoping I find the time for it!

    2. I like that even better. I mean I think the character has great potential for all sorts of happenings!!!!
