Friday, July 26, 2024

On Sale Now! Dark Empire Book Five: Desperate Measures - Chapter Four, Scene One


Nobek Kuran takes his leave (sort of).

* * * *

Stacy couldn’t help beaming after Toni left. She bragged to Kuran, “She’ll amaze everyone here.”

“Her record on Haven speaks for itself. I’m surprised they haven’t shown up to kidnap her and force her back.”

“Her com’s been buzzing nonstop since she resigned. They’re begging her to reconsider and offering a promotion and raise in salary. Now she’s ours.” Stacy rubbed her hands and cackled in villainous glee.

“You’d better keep her happy so she doesn’t run off.” Kuran’s amused smile faded. “Speaking of which, I guess this is my official goodbye.”

Stacy’s heart gave a lurch, though in truth, Kuran wasn’t going anywhere. He’d continue to spend most of his work hours on Earth II in order to spy on those hostile to its government…and to guard Stacy, whom the Earthtiques had targeted more than once. However, he’d be phased, and she wouldn’t be able to acknowledge his presence.

“Maybe I’ll lose the election. Then we can clan, and I’ll live on Alpha Space Station,” she said.

“As much as I’d love our relationship to be registered, I’m pretty sure you’ll remain governor for the foreseeable future.”

“It’s a tight race. The legislature’s vote to toss Ken out as lieutenant governor after his child bride scandal has actually bolstered his numbers.” Stacy shook her head in disbelief, but Ken Bryant’s excuse he’d married a close friend’s teenage daughter to save her from the sick intentions of the original Earth’s leader had found sympathy…and support.

“When are you signing off on his expulsion?”

“It’s supposed to hit my desk early next week.” Her scowl deepened.

“The election is still yours to win.”

“Either way, he and I will have jobs when it’s said and done.”

Bryant was actually an ally to Stacy, devoted to keeping the Earthtiques from gaining power. He actually had married the underage girl at her dying father’s request to save her from the pedophile Holy Leader Browning Copeland. Stacy believed the marriage hadn’t been consummated.

Bryant’s attempt to shelter her had failed when he was forced to give her up or face execution for treason. His pain over the girl’s fate…she’d died young, as so many of Copeland’s wives had…had set the conservative Bryant against Earthtique plans. They thought he was one of them, however. The information he gained from them provided Stacy information to thwart their plots, including those on her life. Stacy and Bryant had many differences on government policy, but they agreed there was no room for fanatical religious factions in leadership positions.

Stacy respected Ken. “I look forward to restoring his reputation if I win. He’ll have a major cabinet position in my administration. He’s promised the same to me if he ends up the victor.”

“I’m glad he isn’t the asshole I thought he was. I still don’t like him.” Kuran glowered.

“I do. He’s doing important work to keep another Holy Leader from rising to power. Look at the bright side, Kuran. Since you have to be phased all the time now, you can make faces at him and call him bad names. No one will ever know.”

“It’s a nice perk.” A smile softened his rugged features. “I’d better run along. See you soon.”

“Sooner than I’ll see you,” she sighed. She claimed a kiss.

She watched him leave the room and bid Todd goodbye. Todd effusively wished him well and assured him he’d miss having him around. Kuran thanked him and strode off to somewhere he could phase without being observed. He’d return in a matter of minutes, but Stacy wouldn’t know when he did.

The end of an era. She sat heavily in her chair, already missing his obvious presence. She tapped on her computer, hoping to distract herself from how complicated life and love for an Earther and Kalquorian clan had turned out.

Despite a hectic schedule, the day stretched long and empty before her.

* * * *

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