Sunday, August 6, 2023

All Good Things Come to an End - Chapter Six Part Two


Our final excerpt has arrived. Continue the adventure by ordering your copy at Amazon, Amazon UK, Nook, Smashwords, Kobo, Apple, and print.

Something terrible is on its way to the Galactic Council of Planets. The infiltration has begun.

* * * *

Galactic Council of Planets transport

The inspection team from the Galactic Council of Planets sat in a conference room aboard a Kalquorian-designed cruiser, speeding to its home berth on Jedver, the hub planet of the council.

They were of a smattering of multiple races, seven of the two hundred belonging to the GC. They ringed the table, gazing across its smooth light green surface at each other.

Only Nezlo, the Alneusian commander of the inspection team, stood…or rather, floated. Their environmental exosuit was filled with the water of their home sea on Alneusia. The suit possessed a humanoid shape and could move as a bipedal entity, thanks to its robotic chassis. Their bulbous eyes filled most of the bubble headpiece.

It was an excellent suit, impervious to most shocks and attacks. Had the Alneusian been exposed to the air their fellows thrived in, they would have died in seconds, but the suit was made to withstand a large number of threats to its inhabitant.

It wasn’t made to keep out an entity phased partially from another dimension, however.

The Alneusian spoke their native language, and the earpieces worn by their fellow inspectors’ translated. They answered in their own speech. What they said would have been typical of any debriefing after an inspection of Bi’is, nothing anyone who stepped into the room would have been surprised to hear. The yeomen who occasionally entered to ensure everyone had what they needed for their meeting found little amiss.

One or two did a doubletake when they glimpsed something odd at the periphery of their view. A Bezcux yeoman swung around on its six legs to appraise with swaying stalk eyes the Plasian inspector, certain it had spotted a dark, bulbous shape hanging on the Plasian’s neck and back. A young orange-furred Joshadan chirped surprise at the inspector from Cimyo, then hunched and uttered an apologetic trill when she was given a questioning glance.

Tricks of the light, the Bezcux and Joshadan both thought in the bare seconds before they too were mounted and their minds seized.

Beneath the drone of the debriefing, a second conversation took place, unheard by ears or translators. It was as intense as the meeting’s official transcript was dull.

Two hundred species, but only one appears to possess the ability to invade our realm.

It is a member of this body, however. It will tell how to reach what is ours.

It operates in secret. It does not trust the body.

Separation kills. The All will prevail.

If they remain separate.

What does the All tell us? It is good to listen.

Listen to the All.

They listened. The answer came quickly.

Extermination. The Kalquorians first, then the rest to confirm they will not invade what is ours.


Death to the Kalquorians.

Death to those who are not All. It is good.

 * * * * 

A new planet. A new enemy. Is the end coming for the Kalquorian Empire?

In the aftermath of the Kalquorian civil war and the defeat of the Bi’is invasion fleet, the empire has enjoyed peace. A new Earth has been born. A Kalquorian leads the Galactic Council of Planets. An era of harmony seems assured.

However, new dangers arrive on the horizon. Governor Stacy Nichols finds herself at odds with powerful opponents who want Earth II to return to the old ways that led to the demise of their original planet. They’ll do anything to stop her, especially when they discover her newfound romance with Clan Rihep of Kalquor.

After five years and a terrifying encounter with an unknown entity, Clan Piras is finally leaving their spy duties in Bi’is space. Now they must face enemies closer to home: the families of those they sacrificed while on a secret mission during the Kalquorian civil war.

A new threat to the existence of Kalquor and the entire Galactic Council of Planets arrives in the midst of these challenges, a dark menace unlike anything faced before. One young, inexperienced spyship ensign is all that stands between the galaxy and utter destruction. Can he warn the empire in time…or is it already too late?

Dark Empire 1: Shadows Approach is now on sale at Amazon, Amazon UK, Nook, Smashwords, Kobo, Apple, and print.


  1. I love Entil. He is so funny. His comic relief is necessary to ease tension when reading the suspenseful scenes

    1. He is so much fun to write. I love it when he shows up in a scene.
