A companion in crisis
Blue eyes ran over tears. “I was certain he’d come for us when we were in your office. I swear, I saw his shadow over your shoulder, Avir. He was there. My mind said it made no sense, but I saw him, and his hands were covered in blood. He said he’d kill you.”
Hallucinations. Avir’s blood ran cold. Why hadn’t he listened to Kom? Why had he allowed what he wanted for Matt and his clan to discount his Nobek’s warnings? Kom tended to be dramatic and he often exaggerated, but Avir should have paid attention.
“We’ll see what the psychiatrist says, okay? You’ll talk to him tomorrow; I got you an emergency appointment. He’ll give us his recommendations, and we’ll discuss them together.”
“You don’t want to get rid of me? After what I did?”
Avir’s stomach churned at the despair in his expression and voice. “Hell, no. I want to fix this for you. I want you to be happy and stay here forever.”
“Until it happens again. Until it keeps happening. I can’t stop it.”
“We’ll find a way, Mattie. I promise. Whatever it takes.”
Releasing February 10, 2023. Pre-order or buy print version now:
Amazon, Amazon UK, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, print
His past demons have returned, and only a Kalquorian clan can save him.
Matthew Larsen should be happy.
Reunited with the Nobek he fell in love with years ago, welcomed into a clan
determined to give him a better life, he has everything he never imagined
possible. However, he’s haunted by the hellish past and certainty it will
reclaim him.
Kom spent years searching for Matt. Their reunion and his clanmates’ acceptance
of the troubled Earther seemed to be all that stood in the way of the perfect
future. His Earther love isn’t so easily rescued, however. Even a warrior can’t
protect someone against his nightmares.
Dramok Avir and Imdiko Masok are devoted to the beautiful Earther Kom brought home. Loving such a gentle soul isn’t a problem. Saving him from monsters, real and imagined, is another matter when Matt’s worst fears come true and the terrors of the past rise once again to drag him into the abyss.
Releasing February 10, 2023. Pre-order or buy print version now:
Amazon, Amazon UK, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, print
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