Wednesday, July 29, 2020

WIP Wednesday - Character Sketch of Imdiko Yorso

Here we are at the final member of Clan Tukui. Imdiko Yorso has not appeared at all in the previous Europa-set books, so I had to make him from scratch. Looks-wise, he's loosely based on Tom York, who played Sam on the British television series, Poldark. Google him. He's a real cutie.

Height/Weight:     6’6”/245 pounds 

Sex:                      Male

Hair:                     Black, shoulder length, photogenically mussed

Dress:                  black formsuit with green trim

Body:                   very toned and muscular, keeps himself in shape to show off

Face:                    big bright-eyes, adorable, sweet, earnest expression—especially when he’s teasing someone

Mouth:                usually smiling, full lips

Imperfections:  a bit naïve, sometimes too flirty out of habit, his manner tends to hide how intelligent he is

Age:                      25

Birthplace:          Kalquor

Home:                 Spyship, tiny quarters shared with his clanmates, kept neat because they have little room, tiny paintings on the wall, primitive weapons on wall, mirror (he checks his appearance often out of habit because he loved to date before being clanned).

Habits:                 Reading and researching—it’s his hobby as well as his profession

Job:                       Cultural liaison, not military

Name of Character:   Imdiko Yorso


Year 0: Born to governess Matara Dulsen (she’s paid by her much richer sister—Dulsen clanned for love, not status), historian Dramok Roslad, training camp instructor Nobek Enra, historian Imdiko Adnun. Only child, raised in quiet and contemplative surroundings, spends a lot of time with cousins whom his mother teaches.

Year 3: So beautiful that vid-scouts convince the parent clan to put him in vid-dramas; coincidentally, he plays the son of Osopa’s father Mokta in one…but the boys don’t meet.

Year 5: Classified an Imdiko. Same year, his parents end his vid career because they don’t like the self-centered attitudes they see and the unreality of the life at his age. Though he doesn’t miss the demands, Yorso does miss being fussed over.

Year 12: After attending one of his historian fathers’ lectures about Kalquor’s past diplomatic works, Yorso finds himself fascinated by alien cultures. He begins studying the subject on his own.

Year 14: After his mother notes the encyclopedic knowledge Yorso has gained about Joshadans, Tragooms, and other cultures, she consults with leading educators she knows. His schooling takes a turn as he’s granted a scholarship to study his interest at college-level while continuing his basic education.

Year 17: Earth is discovered. Yorso excitedly follows the latest information on this species that looks so similar to his own, but is socially quite different.

Year 18: Completes basic school, continues studies in alien cultures. Has first sexual encounter with a Dramok, then starts dating around when he realizes how popular his good looks make him. Begs his parents not to arrange any clanships—he tells them he wants to concentrate on studies and become a diplomatic aide, which is partially true, but he really wants to slut around. They agree to let him pick his own clan.

Year 20: Finishes his studies and quickly lands an assignment to the Kalquorian minister to Plasius. Has a very good time on his few trips to that planet.

Year 22: Vies to work with ambassador to Earth, but doesn’t land the position. He takes a new job with ambassador to Adraf instead.

Year 23: With hostilities growing with Earth, Yorso recruited by Kalquor’s fleet after they note his interest in the alien culture. He’s not a member of the fleet, but a cultural advisor on Tranis’s spyship. He enjoys his work though he never gets to interact with the Earthers they’re spying on—advising Tranis and Lidon as they investigate the aliens and their movements. Has many relationships, but not in any hurry to clan.

Year 24: War with Earth breaks out. Most of the experienced crew is sent to destroyers, more as casualties call upon good fighting crew. Large turnover in crew brings on board many new young men, including new navigator Dramok Tukui and new weapons subcommander Osopa. With his pick of yummy Dramoks and Nobeks, Yorso is having a grand time despite the danger of their missions. Despite all efforts to remain fancy-free, Yorso is drawn to Tukui and Osopa bit by bit.

As with Tukui and Osopa, Yorso's timeline is cut short due to potential spoilers.

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