Friday, March 4, 2022

Reader's Question Answered: Audiobooks


Photo credit Marcel Strauß

 Faith asks:

Have you had any thoughts towards audiobooks? I think your series would be wonderful to listen to. I can imagine reasons that may be difficult to obtain but I'm still curious what your thoughts are?

Thanks for the question! I get this one regularly. I agree, it would be awesome to put my books into audio. However, several issues stand in the way.

For one, my agent hasn't found an adequate vendor to sell the audio rights to yet. At this point, a lot of audio producers/publishers are relying on AI technology for the voice overs. For SFR series like Clans of Kalquor, this presents major problems. Imagine a computer wrestling with those alien names and futuristic terms...the ensuing word butchery would be bloodier than a fight between a Kalquorian and a Tragoom. I've had no choice but to turn down the offers I've received to make audio books out of my work for this reason...if they were using actual human voice talent, it would be a different story.

Okay, so why don't I spring for audio books on my own? Well, the initial financial outlay is a consideration. Then there's Amazon's return policy, which is putting many indie authors who've gone into audio in a negative pay balance. Imagine people paying to hear your book, which you and the voice artist have poured hours into, only to turn around weeks (or months) later and return that book for their money back, as Amazon allows. It's an ugly scenario, which I'm unwilling to be a victim of.

So for the foreseeable future, no audio books. Sorry everyone.

Leave any questions you'd like to see addressed in a future blog in the comments. I'll post answers about once a month. Take care!


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