How many hours a day or week does a full-time writer do her thing? Well, that depends on the writer. We all have our goals we want to accomplish on any given day. Some authors try to write a page a day. Some reach for a few thousand words, whether it's a first draft or editing.
As a homeschooling mom with a budding theater actor/musician teenage son who needs to get to rehearsals and shows, I have to manage my time with great care. My schedule is mine alone, so you can't take what I do as typical. But here's how it looks for me on any given week:
Actual writing or editing: 17 hours
Research: 4 hours
Managing my social media as a writer: 7 hours
Administrative/Marketing: 6 - 10 hours (depending on how close I am to releasing a book)
Photo credit: Hannah GraceIt's a job, obviously. Fortunately, it's a job I love.
Do you have a question for me? Leave it in the comments, and I'll try to answer in a future blog.
Wow, that sounds like a full schedule to me. Have you had any thoughts towards audiobooks? I think your series would be wonderful to listen to. I can imagine reasons that may be difficult to obtain but I'm still curious what your thoughts are?