Wednesday, October 24, 2018

WIP Wednesday - Clan Companions: Joseph

Nesof moved closer, his toes practically touching Joseph’s. The Earther fought off a sudden flare of fear, but he refused to cringe. He sat very still as Nesof leaned close to mutter in a low, threatening tone.
              “Almon doesn’t love you. If he did, he’d be here, watching over you, not letting anyone come near you. I’m the only real friend you ever had. Don’t fuck that up, Joseph. You don’t want to fuck that up.”
              Joseph stood up fast. So fast, in fact, that the Nobek was startled enough to step back. Taking heart from the orderly’s surprise, Joseph uttered a snarl of his own. “You’re the one who messed up the friendship we had. Who do you think you are, pushing yourself into parts of my life where you aren’t wanted? Now I don’t wish to see you at all. Ever.”
              He never saw the slap coming. The sudden heat and force that staggered him was such a shock that for a moment, Joseph wasn’t sure what had happened. He stared at the massive Nobek.

Tentatively scheduled for release in November.

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