Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday Motivation

I knew a writer some time back, who signed with a publisher at about the same time I did. This was early on, in the days of yore, ha-ha. Back then, I was pretty stoked about having a contract and my first couple of books out. And I wanted others to enjoy what I was enjoying.

To that end, I began blogging some writing tips for those hoping to become traditionally published. This other writer admonished me for doing so. "Don't tell them all your secrets! That's your competition!"

I know that's how some writers feel. And maybe before the advent of e-books, when we had to jostle for space in bookstores, competing with each other was valid. Personally, I don't think it is anymore (if it ever was--I'm not one to discourage other authors).

I don't want to "win" at the expense of someone else. My only true competition, the only person I'm trying to outdo, is me. Because I know I can always be a better person/writer/mom/wife/whatever. And I truly want that for myself.

There's always going to be someone doing better than I am. That's fine. Good for them. I'm not looking to knock someone else off her throne. That doesn't lift my soul or anyone else's. I want you all to succeed, whatever form success takes for you. And I think you should want that for yourself.

Don't compare yourself to others. You're awesome as you are. And you should always strive to be the most amazing version of yourself you can be. And if you can lift someone else up who could use it, do so. That will elevate you faster than anything else.

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