Friday, July 19, 2024

Releasing in One Week - Dark Empire Book Five: Desperate Measures - Chapter Two, Scene One


Cheryl takes Besral's mind off their troubles as only she can.

* * * *

Cheryl was exhausted at the end of the day. The children in her charge were wonderful and usually easy to manage, but they’d picked up on the tension of their caretakers. Or perhaps they’d noted the few grim independent news reports drifting the orphanage’s way, which spoke of what the larger agencies ignored or weren’t allowed to acknowledge. In any event, there’d been instances of surly behavior from the teens and crying jags from the younger residents. Ever watchful over their charges, the Kalquorian staff had managed to head off a couple of impending fights before fists could fly.

Adolescent hormones blended with uncertainty made for a long day. Cheryl wondered how many upheavals the children and staff would have to endure until the GC regained its sanity or the residents could leave for a less nerve-wracking location.

If the Galactic Council allowed them to leave.

Stop it. There was no valid reason for it to refuse their departure. Cheryl thought she was letting Marci’s and Darci’s growing conspiracy theories color her thoughts, though the atmosphere in the ruling body’s space had become decidedly odd. Having endured oppression on the original Earth, Cheryl had to admit it worried her.

Upon reaching the quiet of her own quarters for the remainder of the day, she would have been grateful to crawl in bed, pull the covers over her head, and escape in the peace of sleep until it was time to get up and face the uncertainty again. However, Besral would also be home soon, and he’d be tense. He’d have repressed his concerns to keep from upsetting the children more than they already were. Since she was the only person he felt comfortable sharing his stress with, sleep would have to wait.

She searched the kitchen cabinets and found a package of stim tabs. She dropped one on her tongue to dissolve. As she waited for it to send energy flowing through her, she searched the cooling unit for something to cook, in case he’d missed dinner. She hadn’t seen him in the cafeteria for the evening meal.

As she mused between the remains of a turkey she’d roasted earlier that week and the ronka ribs he’d grilled the day prior, muscled arms slipped around her waist. “Don’t worry about it. I grabbed something in the cafeteria as they were putting the food away,” Besral rumbled in her ear.

She nudged the cooling unit’s door closed as she turned to him. His kiss was shockingly gentle…or maybe it would have been for anyone who didn’t know the scarred Nobek as she did. Despite Besral’s warrior Nobek status, he was capable of the tenderness Cheryl’s first husband had lacked so many years before. Burt Wooton’s physical brutality hadn’t been the entire reason Cheryl had rejected his name and retreated to a convent to become a nun following their divorce, but it had played heavily in her determination to never marry again.

She still marveled such an imposing Kalquorian had managed to change her mind and how quickly it had happened. Mere days had elapsed after they’d met when she found herself eagerly anticipating being in Besral’s presence. When they’d crossed paths, his gruff expressions had instantly eased into warmth. Kindness showed through despite his harsh exterior. He’d made it clear she was to come to him when facing any problem she needed help solving, no matter how trifling.

A lump rose in her throat as she recalled those early days. Her fears of men had turned tail and run whenever Besral showed up. Her instincts had been accurate. He was strong and showed it by being unafraid to behave compassionately.

She melted in his arms, loving him so intensely its force threatened to shatter her. No matter: he’d put her pieces together if she did.

“How are you?” he asked when the kiss ended.

“On the whole, I’m all right. Worried, but who isn’t these days?” She smiled and brushed his silvery-gray hair from intelligent purple eyes. “What about you?”

“The message to the fleet has been sent, and contingency preparations begun if the Galactic Council’s forces should come knocking on our door. Would you call me crazy if I told you I’m actually excited?”

She laughed. “Action is a Nobek’s calling card, isn’t it? As long as you remain in one piece, you can be as crazy as you like.”

He grinned, the creases in his weathered face lending it character. “I can’t promise that. No self-respecting Nobek would. But I’ll do my best.” His tone turned businesslike, in contrast to the rigid interest she felt a certain part of him proclaiming. “In anticipation of the fleet responding swiftly to my com, we need to ready for a quick evacuation. I hate to upset the children, but they’ll have to travel light. They should bring along only what they can carry in their arms.”

“In other words, their go bags.” Emergency preparedness hadn’t yet come into play at Open Arms, but Cheryl had once been trapped in her home on Earth during a wildfire crisis. The terror of those hours and lack of supplies afterward had taught her well. Not only did each child have a carry sack of a change of clothes, toiletries, medications, and identification, but they were drilled on evacuation procedures to safe zones quarterly. She thanked the prophets she’d kept up readiness protocols despite ten years of never needing to use them in a real disaster.

“I suggest we postpone regular school lessons in favor of training to escape. If the kids know what they’re supposed to do, there’ll be less panic when the time comes to do it.”

“I agree. We’ll cancel tomorrow morning’s classes to draw up the plans. If we’re ready by afternoon, we’ll start then.” She tweaked his slightly crooked nose. “We’re quite the team.”

“Indeed.” Affection shone in his eyes. When he kissed her deeply, she clung to him. She moved against the hard prod of his interest, hot on her belly even through their clothing.

He’s excited to be facing a threat. She had no qualms about taking advantage of it.

Still kissing her, Besral scooped her off her feet and trod the hall to their bedroom. They’d come to know the steps of the intimate dance so well, he had no need to tear his lips from hers as he lowered her to her feet and began undressing her. She also had little trouble parting man from clothes, until warm bare skin met warm bare skin.

From there, they parted to gaze at each other. Despite advancing years and scarred from a battle-heavy past, Besral remained muscled and strong. His erect cocks, the foremost slightly thicker and longer than its twin, proclaimed his virility. Cheryl’s heart quickened as it always did when she contemplated his feral magnificence.

She felt no urge to hide her own body from his intense consideration despite having passed her sixtieth birthday. Her breasts no longer stood up perkily. Her belly, always having tended toward softer contours, had curved more as the years had passed. Nonetheless, Besral showed no less than lustful admiration when he looked at her. His spicy arousal scent, rising from the wetness coating his shafts, filled her senses.

He repeated a statement she’d heard often through the years they’d been together. “Mother of All, you’re beautiful. And you’re mine. All mine.”

He lifted her onto the bed they shared, and she sank into its softness, a delightful counterpoint to the granite physique covering hers. Besral resumed kissing her, as if her lips and tongue alone were the sole items he desired in the galaxy. She wound her arms around his neck, her mind repeating his joyful declaration: mine, mine, all mine.

He rushed nothing, taking his leisure until he felt the urge to roam lower. His teeth scraped her throat excitingly, sending shivers down her spine. If he weren’t careful, she’d have to wear high-neck blouses to hide the evidence of his passion, but she was willing to make the sacrifice. She enjoyed his ardent worship too much to urge caution.

His rough tongue traced her collarbones. His lips nuzzled the hollow between them. Cheryl’s respiration quickened. How often had Besral mapped her thoroughly, yet she never failed to respond? She’d lost count.

His arms, which had surrounded her from the start, slid out from under her. His calloused hands cupped her breasts, molding them so her already flushed and taut nipples pointed toward the ceiling. He gazed at them as if regarding rare treasure before his head sank down to devour.

Cheryl’s breath caught as his hot maw enclosed the top half of one mound. The sensation of sparks flew straight to her womanhood, where her pulse already throbbed. Besral hungrily tasted her breast’s entirety, his tongue setting fiery trails where it lapped. At the same time, he rubbed the other breast, his thumb teasing the peak as his tongue did to its twin.

He drew on her, sucking her pliable flesh deep, as if he’d swallow her. When he drew off, his teeth dragged light furrows. The agreeable ache curled Cheryl’s toes. She recalled a word from her mother’s secret stash of illegal vintage paperback books, which she’d stumbled upon as an adolescent: ravish. She believed it an apt description of what Besral did to her. He didn’t merely make love. He ravished her.

His head reared up, and his gaze held hers. His lips wrinkled back, displaying his blunt, humanlike teeth and the long, needle-sharp fangs that had appeared behind them, descending from his palate.

Cheryl watched as his mouth sank toward her breast again. She offered no resistance when the fang tips dimpled her lush flesh. She didn’t cry out at the darts of pain as he bit and they pierced her skin. The hurt ended in an instant, thanks to his saliva, which anesthetized the wounds.

He kept his fangs embedded as his tongue danced on her nipple. After a few moments, misty euphoria wafted through Cheryl’s brain. Her arousal increased, and she spread her legs for Besral.

He wasn’t yet ready to accept her offer. Instead, he kissed and nuzzled his way to her other mound. A second bite, and the elation and lust increased until she was dizzy. She moved against him, squirming and grinding for better contact.

He released her and grinned. “What are you doing, my love? Is such behavior worthy of a dignified former nun?”

Yearning lit her entire body, and it goaded her to fulfill its hunger. “Touch me. Touch my pussy,” she begged.

“I will. When I’m ready.” The tip of his tongue teased her nipple.

He knew full well the effects of his venom on her, how desperately needy it made her. Her gyrations increased. She tried to push her hands between their bodies, to grasp her clamoring clit for the relief she desired.

The brute on top of her merely chuckled and grabbed her wrists. He pinned them to the bed and continued his slow, meticulous mauling of her breasts. She squalled and jerked in an effort to escape.

“I feel the earth trembling beneath me so very slightly,” he snickered amid sucks that left her tingling from head to toe. “Don’t worry, it isn’t nearly enough to move me from where I am.”

She wailed, though she knew from past experience it would do no good. Besral wasn’t a rough lover, but his provocations could be brutal. He loved to make her helpless and rouse her so she screamed when she came.

He toyed with her breasts until they heaved at her every breath. At last, he began to kiss a slow, torturous path down the center of her torso. He paused at her bellybutton to swirl his tongue over it. He knew how crazy it drove her under the intoxicant’s sway to pay attention just inches from where she wanted it most. Trapped beneath his weight and by his casual but unrelenting grip, she could only endure as her clit and pussy throbbed. The bed covering was wet beneath her from excitement. Yet Besral refused to hurry his pace. He was content to nuzzle her navel, then lick the folds between her thighs and mound.

Her entreaties for him to fuck her went unanswered in those long minutes of erotic torment. They seemed to goad him to linger on the crease separating mound and belly.

“Please!” she cried as passion rode her hard despite the lack of direct contact to where she burned for him. His venom had erased all control, all dignity. She had to have him.

“I smell a hungry little cunt,” he whispered as he nuzzled her pubic curls. “I smell a delicious cunt. Should I taste it?”


“Should I lick every luscious inch of your gorgeous, wet, swollen pussy?”


“Should I eat this pussy until you come screaming and creaming on my face?”

“Sweet prophets, yes, yes, yes!”

“Who am I to deny you when you’re reduced to blasphemy?” His deep chuckle rumbled her bones.

He moved so fast, she neither saw nor felt the change in position. All at once, she found her legs draped over his massive, scarred shoulders. He must have let go and regained control of her wrists to pin them again, but Cheryl had been unaware of it. Nor did she care, since his lascivious smirk hovered inches from her clamoring sex, which was left open to him.

His first lick was leisurely, starting from the bottom of her slit, then moving up to scoop her wetness on his tongue. She felt every bump of his rough, hot flesh as it carefully abraded her tender inner petals. Cheryl forgot how to breathe as excitement rushed her to the peak in a matter of the three or four seconds it took for him to reach her clit.

His tongue stroked the engorged nub, and she detonated.

Exquisite ecstasy crashed through her in waves. She arched and pealed a high-pitched scream as white blinded her vision. Another blast as Besral continued his deliberate licking, each lap culminating when he paused to suck her clit. Her feet kicked the air at the tremendous surges. Besral kept at her despite her frantic jerks, demanding more.

He only quit when he discerned she was reaching the point where pleasure approached agony. Somehow, he always intuited where the line was between delight and too much intensity, when continued contact to her clit approached pain.

As Cheryl gasped in the aftermath, her muscles slack and useless, Besral settled in for a long interlude of eating her pussy. His tongue reached deep as she trembled from numerous and extended climaxes. His breathing, the wet sounds of his tongue fucking her, and the slurps and happy moans as he devoured her juices were a lullaby while she drifted in the warm aftereffects of incredible release. It also meant arousal, while greatly lessened, continued to hum in the background.

He indulged his enjoyment until, once again obeying uncanny instinct, he paused to lick and suck her clit. Though the effects of his bite’s venom had been eradicated during the profound release, Cheryl gasped when a jolt of bliss woke her nub. How Besral knew the timing of her recovery better than she had always perplexed her.

He was as unerring as ever. He prodded her toward rapture. When she trembled, he returned to hungrily mouthing her entrance.

He’s so good. He drives me crazy, and I love every second of it.

When he returned to her clit, he gathered her wrists in an enormous paw, holding them prisoner on her stomach. As his tireless tongue stroked her clit, two fingers dove deep in her pussy. He found the sensitive place inside and rubbed it. Excitement leapt, and she moaned under his manipulation.

When her sex clutched a warning, his fingers continued to fuck her, but he released her sensitive nub. He dropped a soft kiss on the blatantly swollen red flesh before gazing up at her. “My most precious,” he breathed. “How I love seeing your eyes glazed from pleasure while I fuck you as you were meant to be fucked.”

“Besral,” she moaned, his name a benediction. His words were crude, and she often thought she shouldn’t like them, but they excited her. He knew it.

“I worship this cunt. I love how it tastes. How it feels when it grabs my tongue, my fingers, my cocks when they’re in you,” he growled.

She shook her head, but her sex clenched on his fingers as they drove in. Her heels dug in the comforter, creating shallow ruts as heat built.

“That isn’t all I love,” he said, and his lips enclosed her clit again.

As a surge of bliss leapt from his wicked kiss, he pulled free of her pussy. She offered no resistance as his slick fingers eased into her back passage, preparing her for what would come next.

The ache of being filled there was negligible, more an old friend than irritant. It was fully in the background as he lavished attention on her clit, until the invasion became agreeable. Then enthralling.

When her pleasured whimpers grew in volume, Besral halted his luscious assault. He rose and pulled her onto his scar-patterned thighs, so her ass rested there as he knelt. His cocks were livid exclamation points, slick and eager for her. He adjusted them with one hand, the other continuing to imprison her wrists.

He wasn’t rough, but he enjoyed making her helpless. When they’d initially become intimate, Cheryl had found to her surprise it excited her too. After enduring abuse at her first husband’s hands, she’d been beyond surprised. She’d been astonished.

Besral hadn’t given her any reason to doubt her welfare was ever at the forefront of his interests. Trust had been instinctive for some unknown reason, but she’d made him earn it, nevertheless. He’d set out to do so eagerly. He loved challenges, and he’d seemed to take delight in having to win her for his own, no matter the obstacles her rocky past had put in his path.

Her legs were still draped over his massive shoulders, holding her open for him. He guided himself to her warmth and effortlessly slipped in. Cheryl groaned a welcome at the double impalement. The fullness meant he rubbed her inner spot with fierce strength, no matter how carefully he proceeded. A blast of pure elation sang through her core, and she cried out as orgasm approached.

Besral sighed as he embedded himself in her and joined them as a single entity. “My Matara. My only love.”

“My husband. My life and joy,” she answered, her lashes fluttering as thrills coursed the length of her spine.

She forgot how to speak as he rocked, moving in the age-old dance of intimacy that somehow never lost its special joining. The Nobek’s gaze roamed at will: now gazing in adoration at her face, now admiring how her breasts bounced as he drove in her, now fixated on watching himself disappear and reappear from her yielding flesh. He turned briefly to kiss her pale, dimpled thigh on one side, then the other.

He wasn’t rough, but he was strong, and he was thorough. She moved back and forth on the mattress as he thrust in growing excitement. The sparks flew, catching fire in her, growing hotter as they journeyed toward fulfilment together. Their gasps filled the air, louder at every exhale. She was approaching the nova of ecstasy when she saw the crease between his brows deepen and his jaw tense.

“I love you,” he cried and pinched her clit.

“I love you!” she screamed as rapture laid hold of her and tore her apart.

Somewhere in the midst of the cataclysm, she heard his shout and felt the pulse of his warm release flooding her.

Later, enclosed in his arms, Cheryl thought of the coming days and their uncertainty. It was a matter to worry over. There was no doubt of that. But in the moment, held by Besral, she couldn’t summon fear for the future.

Smiling, she let sleep take her.

* * * *

All-out war has begun, with innocents caught in the crossfire.

Former nun Cheryl Taupin and her husband Nobek Besral, in charge of the remaining orphans of Earth’s Armageddon, watch the terrible events unfolding in the Dark-overrun Galactic Council of Planets. Kalquorians in Galactic Council space are being rounded up to suffer an unknown fate and martial law is declared on many of the system’s worlds. A desperate plea to the Kalquorian Empire sends Admiral Piras and Captain Kila to the orphanage…but how can a lone spyship protect hundreds of children against the full might of the Galactic Council’s warships bent on destruction?

Charity Nath has been brought to Alpha Space Station to hide from those determined to exact vengeance against her father. Young and irrepressible, she’s determined to claim a measure of freedom from stifling restrictions placed on her. When her identity and location are revealed, her Kalquorian protectors must thwart those who’d harm her while contending with her stubborn refusal to be kept in check.

Imdiko Betra has done his best to put the past behind him. He knows letting go of the only woman he could ever love was the best course of action. But when he encounters Shalia Monroe again, his heart speaks louder than his conscience. Will unquenchable desire destroy the life she’s built, or will Betra’s clanmates Oses and Resan stop him from doing the unthinkable?

Against the backdrop of pandemic and plague, Kalquor and Earth II fight for their very survival against an enemy they’re only beginning to learn the strength of. As the All tightens its fearsome grip on the galaxy, humans and Kalquorians alike tremble on the verge of annihilation.

Releasing July 26

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