Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Dark Empire Book Five: Desperate Measures - Chapter One, Scene Two


Imdiko Betra has hopes of reconnecting with an old flame

* * * *

Yentwa Space Station, Galactic Council Space

Captain Wotref’s Kalquorian transport had just docked on a space station orbiting the planet Jedver. The massive vessel had started life shuttling Kalquor’s ground troops from battlefield to battlefield, but it had lately been ordered to evacuate Kalquorians and empire-sympathetic Earthers from Galactic Council space. The crew, which had more than its usual complement of Nobeks, was on edge. Theirs was the last Kalquorian transport allowed in Galactic Council space to carry out such evacuations. The border would slam shut behind them once they’d left.

Over a decade prior, the transport had taken Earther women from their dying planet to Kalquor to join clans eager for female lifebringers. One of those women had hilariously dubbed MT-118, the ship’s official designation, the Pussy ‘Porter. Some of its crew from those days still referred to it as such, chuckling at fond memories of the long-ago journey.

One of the liaisons responsible for the care of the latest Earther passengers was on edge too, but his was of an anticipatory nature. Imdiko Betra had just learned there’d be a layover of a couple weeks on Kalquor. He’d visit his family, always a plus.

He’d also be able to see the woman he loved.

He checked the time. The three people who’d been granted late clearance to join the trip weren’t due to board for half an hour. It would take that long for them to jump through the hoops of the suddenly hostile Galactic Council’s departing protocols. He eyed his Dramok clanmate Resan, whom he was helping to clean equipment in the transport’s gym. Head trainer for the fleet troops assigned to the transport, Resan was as exacting of himself as those he pushed to sweating exhaustion. Metal parts gleaming a mirror finish showed the man’s determined scowl as he wiped them down. The expression failed to mask the man’s striking looks, framed by shoulder-length black hair.

Betra had nowhere to be until the evacuating Earthers arrived, and Resan knew it. Hence, the request he’d made for the Imdiko to assist him. Betra fought to keep his excitement over the upcoming shore leave to himself. If Resan were given any clue of Betra’s hopes to visit a certain Earther female for an extended period, a female the Dramok had no liking for, he’d hit the roof.

Their Nobek clanmate Oses, the transport’s weapons commander, chose that moment to join them in the gym. “I was sent to tell you Dr. Tep would like a word, my Dramok.”

Resan slowly swiveled to face him. His brow was raised, and his gaze was cool, but a smirk played on his lips. “Since when are you Medical’s messenger boy, Oses?”

The Nobek’s craggy but attractive features were stone-like. It was at such times Betra was grateful Oses was so much older than his clanmates. He had the stoic reserves to draw on a younger Nobek wouldn’t possess. Resan’s occasional barely veiled insult, a knee-jerk reaction when he was upset or anxious, failed to elicit the warrior’s temper.

His tone even, Oses said, “I was on my way here and passed the department. Tep saw me and requested I tell you to ‘get your ass to Medical’ to meet him right away.”

“Because of Lieutenant Yulg, no doubt.” Resan’s eyes rolled.

“I didn’t ask. Tep seemed rather irate and apparently decided against comming you for fear of what he might say. Was Yulg’s injury worsened by his physical therapy? It would be his second setback.”

“He was, and it was his own damned fault both times. If Tep wants a shouting match because the asshole won’t do his exercises properly, I’m more than happy to give it to him.” Resan flung his cleaning cloth aside and started for the door.

“Actually, his anger appeared not to be for you. Perhaps he believes both of you shouting at Yulg at once will set the lieutenant on the proper path to full recovery.” Oses’ expression remained stoic, but Betra was certain there was amusement dancing in his purple eyes.

Resan stopped and huffed, planting his hands on his hips. “I’m doing it again, aren’t I? Assuming the worst of a situation before I learn what it is.”

“You could always discuss the matter with Dr. Feru,” Betra said in his most helpful tone. When Resan turned on him, his face darkening in anger at the intimation he required emotional therapy, the Imdiko smiled. “Just joking.”

Resan growled and shook a finger, but a grin erupted. “Damn it, why won’t you let me have my grouchy morning? I was in such a fine temper.”

“I’m sure you’ll recover it when you and Tep speak to Yulg. I doubt I can keep you from wallowing in grumpiness for long. You’re too mean to be affected by the likes of an Imdiko made of sunshine.”

Resan laughed, his handsome features enhanced by outright humor. “Sunshine! In your dreams, angsty one. Ah, what would I do without you two?” Still chuckling, he left.

Oses gave Betra a smile. “I’ll tell Tep he owes you. Whether he’s mad at Resan or not, you’ve at least spared him being skinned alive the moment our clan leader walks in Medical.”

“Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. If Resan unloads on someone else, he’ll have less for me.”

“Because? Ah, the shore leave on Kalquor. You’re hoping we can visit Shalia.”

Betra managed to keep from cringing under his Nobek’s sharp and disapproving gaze. “The kids too. We always take our nieces and nephews somewhere.”

Oses roused to anger was the fiercest man Betra had ever encountered. He was more brutal than Resan in a bad mood, but he could be shockingly gentle when he wished it. “She’s Matara Shalia of Clan Seot. What we had with her ten years ago was incredible…but it’s over, Betra. We’re lucky to have any part of her life now.”

“I know.” Irritability akin to his Dramok’s rose to have to face the truth. “Just as I understand I’d never have made her a proper clanmate. And Resan…”

“Respects but hates her. As she respects but hates him. Even if she left her clan, which would be wrong because they’re perfect for her, it would be impossible for us to claim her. Resan’s the ideal Dramok for us, but those two together?”

“One would die, and the other would be in prison for the murder before a month was out.” Betra sighed. “Is it so wrong I still care for her? That I can’t wait to be near her?”

“You know I feel the same. But she’s our friend now, Betra. She can’t be more.”

Betra marveled at Oses’ understanding and patience. “I’m stupidly excited to see her every time. Why can’t I let go? Why do I want what isn’t right for any of us?”

“Because love has no use for good sense. As we’re well aware.” Oses, who’d loved Betra long before the strictly heterosexual Imdiko had realized he could negotiate a clanship including men, wore a wistful smile. It sat strangely on his strong features. “Who would have thought Resan, you, and I could make a relationship work? Somehow, we do. But you must bow to the impossible, my Imdiko. Shalia isn’t for us. She never will be.”

“Yeah.” The voice of experience and reason was right, but Betra’s heart stubbornly refused to hear it.

* * * *

All-out war has begun, with innocents caught in the crossfire.

Former nun Cheryl Taupin and her husband Nobek Besral, in charge of the remaining orphans of Earth’s Armageddon, watch the terrible events unfolding in the Dark-overrun Galactic Council of Planets. Kalquorians in Galactic Council space are being rounded up to suffer an unknown fate and martial law is declared on many of the system’s worlds. A desperate plea to the Kalquorian Empire sends Admiral Piras and Captain Kila to the orphanage…but how can a lone spyship protect hundreds of children against the full might of the Galactic Council’s warships bent on destruction?

Charity Nath has been brought to Alpha Space Station to hide from those determined to exact vengeance against her father. Young and irrepressible, she’s determined to claim a measure of freedom from stifling restrictions placed on her. When her identity and location are revealed, her Kalquorian protectors must thwart those who’d harm her while contending with her stubborn refusal to be kept in check.

Imdiko Betra has done his best to put the past behind him. He knows letting go of the only woman he could ever love was the best course of action. But when he encounters Shalia Monroe again, his heart speaks louder than his conscience. Will unquenchable desire destroy the life she’s built, or will Betra’s clanmates Oses and Resan stop him from doing the unthinkable?

Against the backdrop of pandemic and plague, Kalquor and Earth II fight for their very survival against an enemy they’re only beginning to learn the strength of. As the All tightens its fearsome grip on the galaxy, humans and Kalquorians alike tremble on the verge of annihilation.

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