In over their heads...
He stopped and grabbed Osopa to make him halt too. “You were right, my Nobek. I failed to consider Tina’s situation as thoroughly as I should have. She’s traumatized, and my thoughtlessness threatened to make it worse. And I still don’t have a clue on how to comfort her.”
Instead of giving him the tongue lashing he deserved, Osopa gazed at him with sympathy. “If it helps, she’s behaving better than most of them. She’s not crying constantly or fighting us. Maybe we’re doing okay.”
“I wish she would fight. I wish she thought well enough of herself to tell us off. To spit at us, call us names—something. She’s so beaten down, my Nobek. Afraid, no matter how hard we try to show her there’s no reason to be.”
“What do we do?”
Tukui was the Dramok. It was up to him to lead them to the answers. He cast about for any route that might lead him to a solution. “Your sister went through some issues. Then she became your mother’s caretaker, so she still has challenges to work against. You don’t have any insight?”
“She’d be more than happy to tell you how inept and useless I am when it comes to comfort and care. I’m—I’m out of my depth when it comes to our Matara.”
He allowed his emotions to show, telling Tukui how miserable he found their situation. He was as aware of his shortcomings as Tukui was.
That left one other option. “I’ll take Yorso aside. Imdikos tend to be more successful with sorting out emotional stuff.”
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