Wednesday, May 13, 2020

WIP Wednesday - Clan and Commit

Someone's in the home...

      He couldn’t assault his prey in the kitchen. Not when he was off-balance and Vax had access to cutlery. Being a chef, the bastard would know how to wield a knife with the skill that could present a problem should Karil’s unsteadiness provide an opportunity.
      He’d strike as the Imdiko passed by. Gripping the doorframe, Karil widened his stance, giving him the stability for a successful leap. He’d knock Vax to the floor and land on him, pinning him down. Then he’d do his cutting and claim justice for Huk.
      He didn’t have to wait long. Vax’s voice carried as he moved his way. “Greeting room, kitchen, lights out. Hall light, 20 percent.”
Karil braced as that soft pad-pad-pad closed on his position, staring at the spot he’d chosen to take Vax down. The scent of herbal tea wafted in his nostrils. Tea the little shit would never drink.
The Imdiko came into view, not looking Karil’s way, holding a steaming cup. He hit the ambush point. Adrenaline spiked through the Nobek.
Karil screamed a warrior’s attack cry. He leapt.
The surge of energy offered him perfect clarity as he lunged at Vax. The other man’s startled face filled his vision, a wonderful image Karil could enjoy when he played back the memory of killing his enemy. Shock turning to terror as Vax recognized him.
Next would come the understanding he was about to die, the most delicious expression of them all.

Releasing in June (specific date not yet set).

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