So, you want a clan of your own, do you? Do you think you have what it takes to snag a trio of hot alien studs? If you're unsure or think you'll come up short, try these tips to win the aliens of your dreams. Of course, these can work on those Earthbound types too, so keep reading even if aliens aren't your thing.
1. Be yourself. Yep, be you, flaws and all. You're still perfect in the eyes of the most discriminating of clans. Real Kalquorian men appreciate sincerity and truth...they don't have any interest in false fronts. And if you happen to find a clan that is more about appearances than who you are--walk away. You don't have time for that nonsense.
2. Be badass. What is badass? Confidence, baby. You're good at something, so let that part of you shine, and don't be shy about it. Kalquorians can't resist that in a woman.
3. Don't sweat the body image. Kalquorian men love femininity in all its gorgeous forms. Full figures, short, tall, big butts, athletic builds, scars...carry yourself with the knowledge that you are a fabulous woman, and they'll follow you everywhere.
4. Don't take any crap off anyone. Stand strong, even when that snarling Nobek jumps in front of you to face off with your foes. He's there for support, and if he's a good boy, you'll let him fight a battle or two on your behalf--but you don't actually need him (which makes him even crazier about you).
5. Remember, you can find your Mr. Rights in the most unexpected of places. If they don't seem to be what you're looking for in the beginning...maybe a little too rough around the edges or even out-and-out rogues and still might find it worth your while for a second look. Love doesn't always appear the way you'd expect! (I'm looking at those rascals and occasional ne'er-do-wells Ospar...Clan Nako...Diltan...Falinset.)
What else do you think a clan is looking for in a mate? What are you looking for in a clan?
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