An old threat reappears with new strength:
A lump grew in
Piper’s throat to see Nako’s and Terig’s worry as they manhandled the
protesting Ulof to a medi-bed, where he was forced to lie down and his arm was
stuck in a mechanical sleeve. She sucked on her lower lip, fear making her
pulse loud in her ears.
Blood moved from a
tube connected to the sampling cuff. Dr. Zo locked Ulof into another machine next
to the bed. Zo tapped on its keyboard as he issued orders. “Computer, analyze
and identify any pathogens.”
Piper held her
Seconds later, an
electronic voice answered the doctor. “Virus detected. No perfect match to any
on record, but multiple markers identified.”
“Markers for what?”
“The virus appears
to be a mutation of K-U-Three-Z.”
The men froze. Zo,
Nako, and Terig stared at Ulof. Ulof paled.
“K-U-Three-Z?” Piper
asked, as if she’d not heard of it. Putting off the inevitable.
Zo’s unwilling
answer came out slow, as if he could put it off too. “K-U-Three-Z is the virus
that devastated our race. The illness that killed so many of our women and left
most of the survivors infertile. It’s the reason we’re going extinct.”
Releasing July 3. (No pre-ordering.)
She escaped to Kalquor to warn the empire…but did she bring its
destruction instead?
When a rogue Kalquorian raider snags a Bi’isil cruiser in Empire space,
the outlaw crew is hoping for supplies. Instead, they find a Tragoom and an
Earther woman with a dire warning: Bi’is is set to unleash a fatal plague on
the Kalquorian Empire.
Piper Warren, with the help of her friend Ob, has faced death to save
the Kalquorians from utter destruction. Instead of help, she stumbles on a ship
filled with men who swear no loyalty to anyone but themselves. Can she convince
them to set aside their lawless ways to save their people?
Captain Nako turned his back on Kalquor after Fleet Command
decommissioned his raider. Abandoned by his government, he swears he will never
lift a finger to aid them, not even against the traitor Dramok Maf and his
fleet. With the new Bi’is threat, if Nako doesn’t do something, the empire will
fall and its people will die.
Nako’s Nobek clanmate Terig is as fierce as they come. However, his
shameful past destroyed a once-promising career, and leading his men into
battle can only end in defeat. But how
can he refuse when utter annihilation is racing straight to Kalquor?
Dual breed Imdiko Ulof is a terror to anyone who crosses him. Leaving
broken bodies in his wake, the ex-convict struggles with equally broken dreams.
No one can tame him, until a beautiful Earther and an unlikely new friend show
that belief has the power to heal all wounds.
The survival of Kalquor depends on this unlikely band of misfits. Clan
Nako learns that love for an Earther woman can make heroes out of
outcasts…until they discover that Piper harbors dark, deadly secrets of her
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