Wednesday, May 30, 2018

WIP Wednesday: Clans of Kalquor 12: Alien Outcast

Nobek Terig cannot escape his bloody past.

Terig trotted out old, well-worn arguments. As tired as they were, they were still his truth. “I’m not leadership material. I shouldn’t have allowed you to convince me to be weapons subcommander. I’m a soldier. A weapons mechanic. That’s all I’m fit for.”
              Nako dragged his fingers through his frizzy hair and presented his same old rebuttal. “You committed a grievous error eight years ago. It happens. That doesn’t discount the amazing career you had beforehand.”
              “It doesn’t? Then tell me why I was demoted to the bottom of security. And let’s review the report Fleet Command sent when they stuck you with me. Shall I quote it to you? I remember the words exactly: ‘Place Nobek Terig at the front line of any face-to-face battles you encounter. The death of this pathetic excuse for a Nobek would be no great loss.’”
              Nako punched the wall at the hated words. “Fuck that report! The admiral who wrote it lost his son in that battle.”
              “Under my command.”

No release date set.


  1. You give us a short blurb and then say no release date set,.... That's just,.... Mean :-(

  2. As always, can’t wait for another Clans of Kalquor book!
