Friday, May 25, 2018

Question of the Week

Q: Question on dual breeds: if you have one like Lokmi who is Dramok/Imdiko could he have started his own clan? Same for Dramok/Nobek combo?

A: Lokmi is an Imdiko/Dramok. His categorization is primarily Imdiko, which discounts him from being a clan leader. It may be he actually does have more caregiver than leadership traits, but since he worries about his leadership abilities being discounted, he overcompensates. Or maybe he's equally Imdiko and Dramok, so the system pushed his categorization into Imdiko territory because there are so few of them. It can happen. 

Short answer is: the primary category counts towards whether or not a Kalquorian can start a clan as a Dramok. Even if someone is a dual breed, straight down the middle between Dramok and one of the other two, the Empire's categorization placement (open to error like any other bureaucracy) determines whether or not a man will eventually have the option to lead a clan.

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? If so, leave it in the comments section, and I might answer it in a future blog.

Please note, I may not answer some questions because they could give away some upcoming plots in future books.

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