Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WIP Wednesday - Some ‘splaining About Shalia’s Diary

After only three entries, the response and hits on the free serialized Clans of Kalquor Shalia’s Diary has been terrific.  I am glad you are all enjoying it so far.

What I did was I developed and outlined the blog’s first years’ worth of entries exactly like I would any of my other books.  Then I wrote what is pretty much a contained story with an arc that goes from a beginning to an end where the first major conflict is wrapped up.  Just like you’d have with a normal book, essentially.  That is Tale One, which you are reading now.

I’ve finished outlining Tale Two of Shalia’s Diary and recently begun work on writing the entries for it.  This really could be a neverending story as long as people remain interested.  Shalia has a very long journey ahead if things work out.  

How long?  Let’s break this down.  Each story covers three - five weeks of Shalia’s life (at least in the first two storylines).  Tales One and Two both take place on Earth.  Next will come Shalia’s trip from Earth to Kalquor.  You do remember it takes nine months to get from Earth to Kalquor, right?  Plus, what tales will happen when Shalia reaches Kalquor itself?  

Okay, now here’s the crazy part.  Posting an entry once a week means you readers won’t reach the end of Tale One for about a year.  Tale Two will take another year.  Are you getting the picture on how long this diary could go on for?

Of course, this is all open to change.  I don’t pretend to know what the far future will bring as far as Shalia’s Diary is concerned.  I’m toying with the idea of posting two entries a week, but not until I’ve finished the diary at least up through Tale Two.

There have been several who have asked if Shalia’s Diary will make it into actual book form, available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.  The answer is ‘probably’.  Eventually.  Since it does consist of separate storylines, each of those will most likely show up for Kindle and Nook after they have run their full course on the blog.  I realize this is going to get groans from many who would like to have the first story in its entirety right now.  However, releasing Shalia’s Diary as a series of books was not my original intention when I started it up.  This was only supposed to be a free serialized story to keep you all entertained and give you your Kalquorian fix on a regular basis.  As such, it is not quite 'book-ready'.

Again, as I stated before, this is all open to change.  For now you’ll all have to be content that it will run an entry (perhaps sometimes two) at a time, once a week, on the blog.  When the first storyline is done, if the popular demand remains, it will be released as a book ... Tale One is full book-length, by the way.  

So meet Shalia each Monday on her blog and share her journey from Earth to Kalquor, from one adventure to the next, with several delicious Kalquorians to enjoy along the way. 

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