Saturday, October 20, 2012

Poll results and Random Thoughts

Hey, thanks to those of you for participating in the polls and satisfying my curiosity.  It seems most everyone would like to join Clan Tranis ... he, Degorsk, and Lidon each edged out the other members of their breeds to be the favorites.  No wonder so many say they are looking forward to the first installment of the new Clan Beginnings series To Clan and Conquer which features the trio.  That book, by the way, is in its first round of editing.  The original release of January may be getting moved up as I’m ahead of schedule.  Clan Tranis for Christmas?  Could be!

I’m still feeling bad about not putting Krijero in the poll. I love my sweetly awkward Imdiko.  He and his clanmates Gelan and Wynhod will be in the second Clan Beginnings book.  It looks like I’ll begin outlining that one in the next couple of weeks.  Here’s a funny bit of trivia for you regarding the Clans of Kalquor book they were featured in, Alien Slave.  Take a look at heroine Dani on the cover art.  Whoever the model was that she was based on could be a secret twin I never knew about.  In profile, that looks just like my face.  It’s been a source of amusement for me ever since the book first came out.  Now if my body matched that, I would be a happy gal indeed.  And if I was being held like that by a Kalquorian clan ... okay, enough.  You get the idea.  To be on the cover of my own book -- or at least someone who looks enough like me to give that impression -- has been a lark.

We’re four weeks from Clans of Kalquor 6:  Alien Redemption.  Yes, it feels like forever even to me.  I have the cover saved on my desktop and am constantly sighing to the men on it, “Soon.  Soon.”  I’m always worried when waiting for the proofreader to give me a book’s corrections, expecting to discover the latest story is a train wreck of a novel.  The longer the wait, the higher the anxiety.  Especially this one, which is the most elaborate of the series thus far.  Erotica, space opera, and murder thriller all rolled up in one book -- eek.  Did I pull it off?  The suspense is killing me.  I have gnawed all my fingernails down to nothing.

Make sure you check out the next WIP Wednesday, which will have some biographical notes regarding the clan of Clans of Kalquor 7:  Alien Refuge.  It will include some pics that I think represent the main characters pretty well, which I will also be posting on The Clans page of this blog.  I’ve just about finished outlining this story, which means I’ll plunge into the first draft in a couple of days.  While Alien Redemption looks like Homecoming Week with appearances from members of previous clans, Alien Refuge is all new with no familiar faces.  I know this sometimes peeves a few of you, but you get to see a new facet of Kalquorian society and the uneasy blending with Earthers that happens in a colony setting.  Plus, the ‘Basma’ will be showing his face ... the man behind the Kalquorian resistance that tried to have Empress Jessica kidnapped in Alien Interludes’ ‘The Abduction’.

Okay, I think I’ve rambled enough for today.  Take care, everyone.


  1. No peeves from this corner. New faces are good too :)

    1. Glad to hear it! I have had some who complain I don't revisit prior clans nearly enough. But that's how the stories usually work out.
