The second of the Netherworld series is now under contract!
As you will remember, Dan was only starting to explore the world of BDSM in Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy. He's still learning, but this big, sexy ghost is picking up on how to be a masterful Dom fast:
I materialized in a sea of black-and-chrome, surrounded by motorcycles parked in front of the Beasts club. The scent of exhaust mixed uneasily with the rotting vegetation aroma of the nearby marsh and the rotten-egg funk of Fulton Falls’ pulp mill. The thick bass heartbeat of heavy metal music, punctuated by yells and laughter, issued from the building. A couple of security lights and the orange-yellow gleam of the streetlight behind me clearly showed the white designs painted over the black background of the painted windows. On the left one was the head of a snarling tusked feral hog. No Halloween mask ever looked more ferocious. The right window’s design was a hand giving the old single-finger salute. Charming, especially when you considered the building sat right off Blount Highway, where heavy traffic ensured plenty of small children would be driven by. The continuous wash of passing headlights proved my point.
It sure looked like a good place for poltergeist play, the kind of mischievous spirit activity that might include lobbing rocks through the glass. Maybe if it happened often enough, these fools would cease and desist in painting such rude pictures.
Then again, they might sic their witch on me. Not a pleasant idea.
A rough voice, grumbly and warm, spoke up behind me. “You’re a bit overdressed for this party, baby girl.”
I turned, only now realizing I still wore my sweet confection of an early 1900’s dress. As Dan slid into view, I got all warm and tingly. My second boyfriend was as handsome as Tristan, though they looked nothing alike. For those of you old enough to remember the Marlboro Man cigarette ads, you’ll have a pretty good idea of the rugged deliciousness that is Dan Saling.
Unruly brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, a strong jaw, and face weathered to robust perfection made me feel all gooey inside. Despite looking fit as a fiddle, Dan had died young in his late thirties of a heart attack. He looks good. He feels even better. And he puts up with a lot of doo-doo from me.
I grinned, thrilled to see him. His assignment spying on the Beasts had kept us apart for days at a time, probably no accident since Tristan wants me all to himself. Then again, when Dan gets the chance, he keeps me from Tristan too. It might have been fun being fought over by two hunkalicious men had I not loved them both so much and hated to see them hurt. But I have issues with being tied to just one man. Boy, do I have issues.
“You don’t like my dress?” I pretended to pout.
“I love it. It’s just a bit much to hang out with this bunch.”
“Well, let me tone it down then.” With a thought, the dress and boots disappeared, leaving me in my birthday suit.
Behind the concealment of his khaki trousers, I saw Dan salute me in a much better fashion than the painted hand on the building behind me. “Oh baby, you just found yourself a whole heapa trouble.”
His clothes disappeared too, and he marched right up to me, his divine divining rod leading the way. Dan yanked me close for a bone-melting kiss, rough with furious passion. I was swept up in the almost animal savagery he displayed as he plundered my mouth with a ruthlessness that made my knees buckle.
Dan broke the kiss, and without so much as a how-do-you-do, seized my upper arm and whirled me around. Then his hand was on the back of my neck, bending me over a black leather motorcycle seat. A flood of oil, gasoline and leather scents washed over me.
Dan’s feet nudged mine apart, opening me up. I gasped as he shoved two thick-knuckled fingers in my pussy, thanking my stars that I’d gotten wet the instant I’d laid eyes on him. My big man was eager and demanding, and it made me eager too. I moaned as his fingers dove in and out of me. Ladies, start your engines. He had my motor revving in an instant.
I responded to his uncompromising dominance. I’m submissive when it comes to sex, gladly handing over the reins to Tristan and Dan when hanky-panky gets going. Tristan’s an old pro at being a Master, but Dan’s polite upbringing left him not exploring his take-charge tendencies until he met me. He’s still a little too careful for my tastes sometimes.
This was not one of those times.
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