Saturday, February 4, 2012

Create a Kalquorian - New Polls Are Up

We have arrived at the final poll to create Conyod at long last.  Everyone's got a motto they live by, right?  Mine happens to be "Is there going to be booze at this party?"  Hey, I never said my motto was any good.

You will notice there is also a second poll up as to whether or not you want to  help create Dramok Erybet and Nobek Sletran as well, so don't miss voting on that.  

Results from the last poll:  you decided Conyod's life-changing childhood event was that a sibling disappeared and was never found.  His parents became overly protective as a result.  This was a close race all the way, and I had no idea what you would go with until the very end.  I love these nail biters!


  1. I can see you making a story on that, that his sibling reappears in his life someday.

    1. You never know. Maybe I'll get a brainstorm on that someday.
