Wednesday, February 1, 2023

WIP Wednesday - Clan Companions: Matthew


An accidental spy

His route took him past the sleeping room. Since that was nearly all they did in there, he hadn’t considered checking it. He wandered by the open door and heard noises inside.

Matt stopped and stared. The clan was in the room. On the huge sleeping mat. Having sex.

Avir sat at the head of the mat, his back against the headboard. His legs were spread wide. Masok crouched between them, his head moving up and down, back and forth between Avir’s engorged cocks. The Dramok watched, his lips wet as his clanmate eagerly fellated him.

Kom knelt behind Masok, feeding the Imdiko’s ass his thick length. Kom’s hands held the other man’s cheeks apart, watching intently as his primary disappeared and reappeared.

Matt gaped at the scene of three muscled, gorgeous males fucking. Sighs and moans filled the air, joined by sounds of wet movement and flesh meeting flesh.

Heated excitement filled his cock. He’d had sexual intercourse during high school and the few months he’d attended college. Thrilling discovery had been undertaken in the form of anxious, inexperienced fumblings. A few months ago, on the transport, he’d spotted a Kalquorian man and Earther woman in what had apparently been an impromptu encounter in a ship’s kitchen. But this, a clan of three men who’d been together for decades, was a lesson in practiced intimacy. They were aroused and eager, but there was a sense of comfort and familiarity. No hesitation, no timidity, no confusion. It was beautiful, almost choreographed perfection, and Matt ached because he had no such experience.

Kom tossed his hair aside, and as he did, his face turned in Matt’s direction. Their gazes met.

Matt retreated. He fled to his suite. He’d been caught spying on a private moment, and shame burned his face…but he was thrilled at what he’d witnessed. He wished Kom hadn’t noticed him, that he’d been able to watch those amazing bodies make love to the end. 


Releasing February 10, 2023. Pre-order or buy print version now:

Amazon, Amazon UK, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, print

His past demons have returned, and only a Kalquorian clan can save him.

Matthew Larsen should be happy. Reunited with the Nobek he fell in love with years ago, welcomed into a clan determined to give him a better life, he has everything he never imagined possible. However, he’s haunted by the hellish past and certainty it will reclaim him.

Nobek Kom spent years searching for Matt. Their reunion and his clanmates’ acceptance of the troubled Earther seemed to be all that stood in the way of the perfect future. His Earther love isn’t so easily rescued, however. Even a warrior can’t protect someone against his nightmares.

Dramok Avir and Imdiko Masok are devoted to the beautiful Earther Kom brought home. Loving such a gentle soul isn’t a problem. Saving him from monsters, real and imagined, is another matter when Matt’s worst fears come true and the terrors of the past rise once again to drag him into the abyss. 


Releasing February 10, 2023. Pre-order or buy print version now:

Amazon, Amazon UK, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, print

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