Thursday, February 14, 2019

TBT: Alien Embrace

Rajhir watched Amelia rush away through the willowy crowd of Plasian elite. His eyes drank in her lush body, a pleasing collection of soft, pliant curves. Her auburn curtain of hair swayed, offering tantalizing glimpses of smooth skin bared by the backless gown. The tops of her buttocks were round, the shadow between them a teasing invitation. He longed to explore her there, in all the sweet dark places a woman’s body offered. To discover her with fingers, mouth, and sex organs. To uncover all her body’s treasures, to decode its secrets. 

The Dramok had enjoyed his fair share of women. More than his fair share, in fact. So few females of his own kind were left, but first as the son of a councilman and now a councilman himself, he had never lacked for female companionship. His now-ignored distant blood ties to the royal family back on Kalquor had also ensured enough attention to keep him occupied when only the softness of a woman would do.

The few Kalquorian women still in existence were strong, proud beauties. Every bit as commanding as their male counterparts in most cases, they inspired awe and reverence. Rajhir had entertained many women of different species, but none had ever come close to one of his own.

It had taken every bit of his longtime friend Ambassador Ospar’s charm to get Rajhir to come to Plasius to meet Amelia Ryan. He and his clan had made the six-week journey on the thin chance that the Earther female would offer hope to his race when none was left. If she was breeding compatible, Ospar had told Rajhir his clan could keep her as their mate.

“Even if you don’t want her for yourself, you must bring her back to Kalquor. I don’t have to remind you of the duty you have to the Empire, my friend,” Dramok Ospar had said. 

“So we’re reduced to kidnapping,” Rajhir said. He made sure Ospar heard the disgust in his tone.

“Distasteful as outright abduction may be, we’re out of time. Your own clanmate Flencik has told the emperors and the council’s medical funding committee that there is no hope of restoring our females’ fertility. If the Earther woman is compatible, Kalquor must have her and others like her. I’m already sending out other clans to collect the ones we can get as soon as Flencik confirms compatibility.”

Honor and Empire. It had been the dominant phrase in Rajhir’s upbringing. He knew his duty better than most, but he also knew when to let it pass. He had thought clanning Amelia Ryan would be one of those duties he would not take up, even if she was compatible to carry his children. Why should he when he could have one of his own species? He was content to enjoy the Earther and to teach her to enjoy men of his race in kind. Then he could take her back to Kalquor and let another clan not so blessed with opportunity have her.

Now Rajhir wasn’t so sure. 

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