Friday, November 3, 2017

Question of the Week

Q: Will there be any stories, short or full length novel about a clan that chose a male earther? Like the short scene in Alien Redemption?

A: I do plan to debut a new series in 2018 called Clan Companions. It will feature stories of Earth men and Kalquorian men/clans. And yes, Captain Joseph Walker and Nobek Almon are at the top of the list.

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? Leave it in the comments, and I may answer it in an upcoming blog. For other questions answered, be sure to check the FAQ page on my website at


  1. Oh my gosh, thats so exciting! I really look forward to it. I remember you mentioned at one point that the m/m books don't sell as well but i seriously enjoy them just as much as the main series. Maybe even more because it gives us a new view of our favorite characters.

    I'm going to be kicking myself all day because i thought of a question yesterday and i told myself "well tomorrow is Friday, wait for the new question to be posted and then ask"... well i forgot what it was >_<

    Thank you again

  2. So glad to read about this! I loved the captain and Almon interaction. Will be great to see how he handles finally being himself (Joseph Walker) my day just got a whole lot brighter with this news!! Thanks so much for continuing this series.

  3. OMG can't wait for those x x x thank you

  4. I find it hard to believe that your M/M book's done sell as well. I'm not normally into M/M romances but your Clan Beginnings novels are exceptional. I actually prefer them. I can't wait for this new series.

  5. So we all know that gurluck is basically the worst slur you can call a Kalquorian because of what it means. I'm wondering if the Kalquorians who know english would recognize the phrase "motherfucker" as a literal translation and consider it equally offensive.
