Wednesday, September 27, 2017

WIP Wednesday - Clan and Conscience

              Ospar darted a look at Jol. “I wonder, Master Rivek—I’d like to continue talking with you about my aspirations, but I’m starved. Would you do us the honor of having lunch?”
              Rivek hesitated, but not because he found the idea a bad one. It actually sounded a little too good, making his body flush and pulse quicken as his imagination was fired with ideas that bled a little too easily into fantasy.
              He recognized the infatuation for what it was and wondered if it wasn’t best not to feed it. The next moment, he chastised himself for thinking anything beyond friendship might develop between himself and a man as rich and well-connected as Ospar.
              As if it could. The man was offering lunch, not clanship. Which Rivek would never agree to in any case. He was content with his spiritual pursuits and devoted to attaining as tranquil a mind as he could hope for. That meant calm, which no intense relationship would allow for. Especially one with men like Dramok Ospar and Nobek Jol.
              A delicious sexual romp would be most welcome, however. I can make room for that temporary distraction.
              And lunch. Lunch was always a good thing.
              Rivek gave Ospar a bow of thanks. “Your offer is most gracious. I happily accept as I have no pride when it comes to free food. And lots of it. You are rich, right?”
              Jol barked a startled burst of laughter at the bald acknowledgment of Ospar’s financial state. Or maybe he found Rivek’s enthusiasm for a gratis meal funny. Many thought priests had little humor, that they held themselves above such frivolity. Rivek chuckled to think of many ways he might be able to surprise the Nobek.

Releasing Winter 2017


  1. Winter is coming, but not fast enough.

  2. I live in Maine, usa and i have to say, this release schedule is the only thing that could make me wish for winter to come faster!
