Friday, September 29, 2017

Question of the Week

Q: Do Kalquorians have nationalities or races amongst themselves? Like humans have their German, Italian, Chinese, etc heritage. It seems even in the universe you've created there are faint mentions of the ethnicities of the Eathers, very infrequent but still mentioned. Do Kalquorians have a version of this or are they all pretty much just Kalquorian?

A: Since all Kalquorians can trace their beginnings to a past race that came from another planet (check the The Kalquorian Empire page of the blog for full story), they see themselves as one nationality. There was a period after the Cataclysmic Era where they were divided like countries, but they still saw themselves overall as one race. 

Thanks for the question!

Do you have a question for me? Leave it in the comments, and I may answer it in a future blog.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

WIP Wednesday - Clan and Conscience

              Ospar darted a look at Jol. “I wonder, Master Rivek—I’d like to continue talking with you about my aspirations, but I’m starved. Would you do us the honor of having lunch?”
              Rivek hesitated, but not because he found the idea a bad one. It actually sounded a little too good, making his body flush and pulse quicken as his imagination was fired with ideas that bled a little too easily into fantasy.
              He recognized the infatuation for what it was and wondered if it wasn’t best not to feed it. The next moment, he chastised himself for thinking anything beyond friendship might develop between himself and a man as rich and well-connected as Ospar.
              As if it could. The man was offering lunch, not clanship. Which Rivek would never agree to in any case. He was content with his spiritual pursuits and devoted to attaining as tranquil a mind as he could hope for. That meant calm, which no intense relationship would allow for. Especially one with men like Dramok Ospar and Nobek Jol.
              A delicious sexual romp would be most welcome, however. I can make room for that temporary distraction.
              And lunch. Lunch was always a good thing.
              Rivek gave Ospar a bow of thanks. “Your offer is most gracious. I happily accept as I have no pride when it comes to free food. And lots of it. You are rich, right?”
              Jol barked a startled burst of laughter at the bald acknowledgment of Ospar’s financial state. Or maybe he found Rivek’s enthusiasm for a gratis meal funny. Many thought priests had little humor, that they held themselves above such frivolity. Rivek chuckled to think of many ways he might be able to surprise the Nobek.

Releasing Winter 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

Question of the Week

Q: Can a clan in which a member dies get a new member?

A: Absolutely. However, it can be difficult, depending on how long a clan has been together and which member passed away. Not that any one breed is more important than another, but in the case of the loss of a Matara, the female member is the rarest and most difficult to find. Even with Earther women joining clans, there are few enough of them that it is unlikely to happen. Imdikos are also rare and tend to clan young, so those would be in short supply and highly unlikely to be won. 

New Dramoks entering in long-standing clans would present a different sort of problem, as the clan would be used to a certain leadership style--the surviving clan might find it extremely difficult to adjust to a new leader. Many clans would not make an effort of any kind to attract a new Dramok.

Nobeks have the most success in joining a clan which has lost a warrior mate. They have the numbers, and since most see their main objective to be protecting the clan, it comes down to finding the right personality which fits...although that's not always easy either!

Thanks for the question.

Do you have a question for me? Leave it in the comments, and I may answer it in an upcoming blog.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

WIP Wednesday - Clan Beginnings: Clan and Conscience

              “Do you believe politics will be more interesting?” Rivek asked.
              Ospar’s face lit with the excitement of a young boy receiving gifts. “I’ve always been fascinated with affairs of state. I watch the vids of the Royal Council arguing and wrangling like others watch sports. I want to be in the middle of all that, in the center of making law and having an impact.”
              Rivek pursed his lips. “There’s that ‘I want’ again. What about what everyone else wants?”
              “I’m not sure I follow.”
              “What about the people of Kalquor, the people who would elect you? Have you factored them into the equation?”
              Rivek’s question brought a resounding silence from Ospar. The Dramok’s brow furrowed in concentration as he appeared to turn that consideration over in his mind.
              Interesting. Ospar had been thinking of others’ welfare as he saw it, but hadn’t stop to wonder how those same people would feel about what he identified as their problems. At least his heart was in the right place, the priest decided. Ospar just needed to let his intelligence in on the debate.
              Hoping to drive the point home, Rivek added to his observation, “I guarantee you, the Empire is interested in what you will do for it. No one cares what you want.”
              A burst of laughter behind them made both men whirl around. The hems of Rivek’s robes snapped as he faced Nobek Jol, who must have been following silently. He smirked at the scowling Ospar.
              The Nobek said, “Poor Ospar. It sounds like the master is saying exactly what I’ve been telling you all along: you are not the center of the universe.”
              “Speaking of things people don’t care about: your opinion.” Ospar told Rivek in a complaining tone, “This is what I live with every day. This!” He pointed dramatically at Jol.
              Rivek thought about reminding him that he had chosen to clan the man. Prudence won out, and he kept his mouth shut.

Releasing Winter 2017