Wednesday, August 16, 2017

WIP Wednesday - Clan Beginnings: Clan and Conscience

              Ospar wasn’t as happy to be home as he usually was. As he stomped to the door of his home, he ignored Jol on his heels. His door was keyed to automatically recognize him and it slid open at his approach.
              Jol shoved him aside and entered the house first. “I will go in ahead and make sure nothing dangerous has been introduced into the home environment.”
              “How about introducing some good breeding into the environment? Shove me again, and I’ll break all your fingers.” Ospar stormed in after him.
              Jol ignored him and investigated the greeting room, starting with the bar near the entrance. He snarled at Ospar as the Dramok headed straight for the doorway that would take him further into the home. “You will wait until I clear each room before you enter it.”
              “Fuck off.” Ospar kept going.
              The next thing he knew, he was flying through the air. He’d never seen Jol’s approach, but he sure as hell felt the man grab. Ospar landed safely on the billowy soft lounger across from the bar, one of many luxurious seating options scattered in the large room meant for entertaining.
              Jol stood over him, his fierce visage more primal than ever. “I said stay in here!”
              Ospar stared up at him, stunned more at the man’s temerity than his speed and strength. The son of a bitch just didn’t know when to quit with the whole bodyguard shtick. And it was going to cost him.
              Though furious, Ospar wasn’t stupid. He knew he couldn’t physically tangle with a Nobek like Jol and hope to keep his hide intact. Yet the man would pay for putting his hands on Ospar.
              It was a vow the Dramok had every intention of keeping, or die trying to make happen.

Releasing Winter 2017


  1. So looking forward to this book. Clan Ospar is my favorite clan. Clan and Conscience is a good title.

  2. Yes! I am so ready for Clan Ospar!

  3. OMG. Winter can't get here soon enough! Love this clan.

  4. I love Jol he takes feisty too higher levels.
