Saturday, December 15, 2012

Clan Beginnings: To Clan and Conquer is Less than One Week Away

Let the countdown begin!  Six days to go.  

Clan Tranis is on its way.  I thoroughly enjoyed my journey with Tranis, Lidon, and Degorsk.  This might have been the most fun of my books to write so far.  It was certainly the easiest in that I would sit down at the computer and the boys took over, giving me their story for me to tap out on the keyboard.  I felt like I was simply along for the ride.  The whole process was as if I enjoyed an escape from real work.  I wish all my books were that easy to write!

I’ve got to give big thanks to a couple of people in particular on this.  First to my mom, a brainy babe who did the editing for me.  One of my biggest cheerleaders, she took on the responsibility of catching my mistakes, of which there were several.  Any that remain in the book are my own fault.  

Secondly, I’d like to thank Deanna, the reader who suggested I write stories of how the clans got together.  This book is dedicated to her.

You know how this works by now.  All this week as we get closer to the official release on Friday, I’ll be posting excerpts.  I will also be uploading the book to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords on days that will guarantee it shows up no later than Friday.  It might show up a day or two early, as has happened in the past.  

I hope you who read GLBT erotica enjoy reading the story of Clan Tranis as much as I enjoyed writing it.  And for the rest, be assured I am working hard on the next installment of the regular Clans of Kalquor series.


  1. can't wait so when are you up loading this??????????

    1. Tuesday B&N, Wednesday Amazon, Thursday Smashwords.
