Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Alien Slave (Clans of Kalquor 5) Cover Art

Well, I don't have a release date on this folks, and I'm completely stunned to see the cover art done, but here it is.  Whoa!


  1. robot17 here, hi miss Tracy. i also cant believe that the cover is finished so fast.

    i think this time the artis tried to draw the 3 main kalquorian clan of this novel as you describe them in this story. i believe the one with the hair like mohawk is the nobek, right???

    the one with the tatoo and beard i dont know if is the dramok or imdiko. and the one with an ordinary men short hair cut but clean shaved dont know if that is the imdiko this time.

    and does the main girl character have also red hair? and the close she is wearing i guess is from the brothel, right?
    and the scene look like from a space ship.

    anyway i love the cover too, so sexy and hot hot hot! i would love to be in her place, he he he!!!

  2. I can't wait for this book to come out.

  3. This will give me some really hot fantasies with your Aliens....LOL damn they are hot....


  4. Brenda, I have to be honest and tell you I will be shocked if it comes out before March. Since Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy comes out Friday, I simply can't imagine them putting it out earlier than that. Hopefully, I'm wrong ... NCP is teasing everyone terribly by throwing Alien Slave up on their 'Coming Soon' page so early!

    Megasaint, the one with the Mohawk is definitely Nobek Wynhod. I'm guessing Imdiko Krijero is the one in the back, though none of my Kalquorians had tattoos. That leaves Dramok Gelan as the one kneeling behind Dani, but he was supposed to have cornrowed braids...too difficult for the artist to pull off, maybe? No, Dani did not wear an outfit like that in the book, but it looks good.

    Is there anyone here who wouldn't like to be in Dani's place on that cover? ;)

  5. Thanks Tricia! Yeah, I'm imagining myself on that cover right now...*shiver*!

  6. Can hardly wait! The cover makes it seem more "real." Looking forward to it whenever it's released. Counting off the days until Friday.

  7. Thanks Elizabeth! I've been so focused on Friday that this cover coming out early completely threw me off kilter. I really hope you enjoy Netherworld. :D

  8. I hope it comes out earlier, i saw it on the website too. can hardly wait.
